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Author Topic: mini review: Havoc  (Read 1422 times)

C-G ProShop-Carl

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mini review: Havoc
« on: February 26, 2004, 07:52:24 AM »
As promised, here is my Havoc mini review, after rougly 7 games with the ball.

FOR CHARLEST: This ball is indeed stronger than the Ragin Inferno.....but in a different manner. It rolls up sooner (probably the leverage drilling). I have nothing drilled leverage, so I figured why not try it on this ball.

LANE CONDITION: 38FT buffed to 44FT, Heavy in the middles, and tapered out to the gutter. WOOD lanes.

LINE: I tried this ball all over the lane, and it came back from everywhere. The line I ended up playing was my feet on 30, sending the ball out from 20, over 17 at the arrows and over 7 board down the lane. This same line with the Raging Inferno had the Raging come up much later down the lane. If I dumped it outside too soon, the Havoc used up most of its energy there. Which is very strange for me, because on a post somewhere here in the last few days I have stated that I have never really had a ball burn up on me. This one did. I was shocked. When I hit my mark, this ball worked GREAT. Definately a bargain in the midprice range.

REACTION: EARLY!!! However it is very sensative to oil. If you have oil, the ball go until it encounters friction. If I kept it in the oil long enough it retained enough energy to almost seem skid flip in the backend. I fully think that with a light coat of Clean n Sheen this will make this ball the benchmark ball that I am looking for. I am going to hold off on that for right now though, because until I recieve the Animal that I intend on dulling down, this ball will be my oiler.

IMPACT: This ball hits very strong. Very similiar hit to my Thrash. The main thing I noticed with this ball is that I did not leave anything that I did not deserve to leave. I had it hit so hard a couple of times, that I just saw the headpin fly in front of it after hitting the side board.

Readability: With a little more useage, I should be able to know what to do with any other ball I have. This is kind of wishful thinking, but the clean n sheen should tame it down quite a bit.

OVERALL: I know I drilled it leverage, but this ball moves! Definately NOT the medium oil ball that it is supposed to be. This core in a pearl would have been more of the medium ball. With that said, I am not complaining about this ball one bit. For the PRICE------everyone should have this ball in their bag. This ball EASILY out performs the Dyno Thane Anomaly.

Once I have some more games on the ball, I will post a review.

Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

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Re: mini review: Havoc
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2004, 07:35:03 AM »

Now you know why I have always loved the Super-Flex coverstock (and am now seeing those same qualities reflected in the PK 18 coverstock): Flexibility. Its forte is to be as strong or as weak as the core and the drilling allow it or make it to be. I have had SuperFlex pearls hit the heads and roll out early when there APPEARED to be enough head oil but in reality, there wasn't. This was easily curred by sanding it to 1000 grit and re-polishing; most are stock sanded to 500, then polished. Polished solid SuperFlex can still be wonderfully flexible of medium strength cores; I still use an ancient (1996) DynoThane called the Concept XXtra, that challenges most current balls in hitting power on medium to medium-heavy oil patterns

I wouldn't polish the Havoc as it stands, because it has such a fine grit - 1500 grit stock. If you were to polish it, I'd strongly recommend taking it "down" to 800 or 1000 grit, then applying a medium coat of your favorite polish. That 1500 grit matte finish is perfect as it stands, IF one needs it. (You might have been better able to use the 1500 grit with a 4" or even a 4.5" pin position. That is a very strong core.)
"Just because you can do something does not mean you should do it."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: mini review: Havoc
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 11:57:44 AM »

I see how strong the core is now. I probably would have gone like 4.5x4 if I had it to redo....however, this ball certainly has a place where it stands. If I apply polish, I know I will have to take it down to 800 or even 600 before applying the polish. The fine grit and polish just wouldn't work with my speed, atleast it rarely does.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

900 Global, AMF Staff Bowler

Tag Team Member #1

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