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Author Topic: Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno  (Read 938 times)

Burak Natal

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Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno
« on: November 24, 2004, 07:38:14 PM »
I drilled two balls last night.

Track Rule
  (Pin X MB) 4-1/2 X 5-1/2 from PAP. Pin 1-5/8 above midline.
  Weight hole inside VAL, 2-1/2 inches down PAP.
  Sanded down to 320 then polished to 600.

Brunswick Ultimate Inferno
  (Pin X CG) 4 X 4 from PAP. Pin 2-3/8 above midline.
  Weight hole on VAL, 2-1/2 inches down PAP.
  Sanded down to 320 then polished to 600.

Lane condition: Medium-heavy amount of oil, 38feet, touch flatter than typical THS.
Personal facts:
Righty tweener,
340-350rpm, medium speed.
Axis rotation: 55-60 degrees.
PAP 5-3/4 over 1/2 up

After I drilled two of these monsters, I had one pair stripped and oiled. Since the temperature and humidity was very high in the center last night, I knew that I had a limited time to see the actual reactions on fresh before fast transition.

I found my line with my original inferno with couple of shots (4X5, box). In this pattern, since outside part of the lane is too flippy for me, I prefer to play between 3rd and 4th arrow with the break point on 12-14 boards. I found out that backends was lazier than it used to be.

Ultimate Inferno was, naturally, reading earlier and 5 to 7 boards stronger than original. Reaction was hard arc but it was easy to see that there was not enough oil for it. It was not rolling out but definitely loosing energy. I had to move to between 4th and 5th arrow to find some oil.
Then I grab my Rule. God! It was much earlier than Ultimate, almost rolling out. The reaction was close to hook-set. I tried different releases but nothing worked to make it retain more energy. Is this cover-core combo that strong?
I tried my Unleashed to see the difference (similar drilling, grey scotch brite). Rolled out at 25 feet.

I planned to use Ultimate and Rule on heavier lanes complimenting each other with different look. Seems like it is right decision so far.

Although I have a tiny doubt if I laid the Rule out incorrectly to my style, I will try it on heavier condition to check the reaction. I will report back.


Edited on 11/25/2004 4:39 AM

Edited on 11/25/2004 4:43 AM

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Re: Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2004, 04:10:04 AM »
Hey Burak,

It's not you or the pattern, the Rule "IS" that strong a ball.  Based on what I've seen in comparison to the UI, it's another 5-7 stronger than that, maybe more.  Based on your personal info and layout, the Rule (when you find enough head oil) will skid out and just have a tremendous hard arc back to the pins.  Just read some of the feedback here in the forum, my vid, Excaliber, Bob7 just drilled one, it really is one heck of a ball.  Keep us posted...
Rick Leong
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Burak Natal

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Re: Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2004, 04:27:28 AM »
Rick, that posts convinced me to try the Rule
I was planning to replace my Trauma Response with Animal. But My Unleashed is more than enough on flood for me and I decided to try Rule instead.
It was too early for me perhaps, but I can understand people reporting Rule is stonger than Unleashed. That's why I polished the Rule lightly.
I prefer strong reactives over particles mostly.


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Re: Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2004, 10:10:23 AM »

4 1/2 pin and 5 1/2 MB from PAP are both a bit long for oil....but the cover and the core in the Rule are so strong that I would not be concerned with it. You have a stronger layout on the Ultimate Inferno and the Rule still hooked more...that should tell you that on the heavy stuff you will be fine with the Rule.

Ask experience with the Ultimate Inferno has been epic!!! I have never used a ball that made it into the door stopper category more quickly than the UI.

I like the setup you used here....drilling 2 balls and comparing them in a mini...that was a very good idea.

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Re: Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2004, 11:10:57 AM »
Ask experience with the Ultimate Inferno has been epic!!! I have never used a ball that made it into the door stopper category more quickly than the UI.

mine was drilled pin above ring finger cg kicked just enough for a small weight hole....skidded on oil...burned up on anything less...didnt matter if i went up the back or achieved some side roll

gave it away to a local guy
"Joey . . . have you ever seen a grown man naked?"-Captain Clarence Oveur

Burak Natal

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Re: Mini review: Rule vs Ultimate Inferno
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2004, 12:56:13 PM »
Inverted 1,
I've bowled with 2 other Ultimates before with different drillings and surface preps.
1st: (Pin X CG) 3 X 4, weight hole on PAP, green scotch brite
2nd: (Pin X CG) 5 X 5, No weight hole, sanded down to 320 and polished to 600

I'm very much pleased with the Ultimate.

The reason I take down to 320 before polish is, I would like to stay with the same oil handling capability of the box condition. Means heavy oil. On the other hand I don't like dull surfaces. This is it. Please also note that I'm using grit polishes/compounds.
By the way, that surface preparation was recommended by Tom Tomaras.

EXCALIBER, because of my speed and axis rotation, pin placements closer than 4 inches to PAP usually burn up too much energy no matter what the condition is. I try to stay in 4 to 5-1/2 range if I'm not making an experiment That is more than enough for me..

Thanks for the replies so far. I will try them both on heavier condition and report back.


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