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Author Topic: My 2 month old Rule is dead  (Read 1101 times)


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My 2 month old Rule is dead
« on: February 25, 2005, 11:21:09 AM »
Like the post says I have a 2 month old Rule which has stopped performing, I layed it with pin at position 3 and MB in strong.  When I had it drilled I saw a reaction I had not seen before which was an amazing kick in the backand it kept that way for about 3 weeks, then my team partners pointed out to me that it was losing midlane roll and suggested that I took it down a bit in grit which I did with green scotchbrite and ever since no matter what I do I cant get it back to the original fantastic backend work it had.

I have tried the following
Green Scotchbrite
Abralon Pad 500 grit
Track Clean ’N Smooth which gave me nothing
I have acces to a ball spinner and have done all my work on that.  

The worst part is that I was playing the national tournament here in Iceland today and yesterday and the pattern was 42 feet heavy oil from gutter to gutter and I couldn´t get the ball to move, my best ball was a 9 year old Hammer Nova.  So my question is what can I do to get it back to OOB condition and get the kick back which it had to begin with, also I have a Sheer Havoc which I need to get back to OOB and would like some suggestion on that.



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Re: My 2 month old Rule is dead
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2005, 08:05:28 PM »
no dont do that. Find a pro shop that has the ebonite hook again system, or columbia's system, have them sand entire ball with 100 grit sand paper, then put it in the hook again systen for 1, or 2 days. They will clean it up, and take it back to factory finish, or whatever grit you want, and it should have some life to it. I used it on my sharp blade when it lost its punch, and now it works better then when i first got it.  Its worth the 20 or 30 bucks. it will bring the ball back to life for a while.

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Re: My 2 month old Rule is dead
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2005, 08:09:14 PM »
The Track Rule is not a heavy oil ball like the GP2. I am no expert at this by any means, but I think you had the wrong ball for the condition. Also for the conditions you say you bowled on, you may not have had the right layout on the ball for those conditions. Especially if you had a high Pin like over fingers. A ball with stacked leverage would have worked better. Also Pin under RF and MB on VAL would have been better than a high Pin if that is what you have.

You need to talk to tenpinspro and/or EXCALIBER of whom both are Track Reps and they are really good when it comes to Track Balls. Have all information available such as Pin size, PAP, where Pin and MB are at on the ball, etc. as they will have to have that information to help you. I think they are out until Monday.

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Re: My 2 month old Rule is dead
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2005, 10:21:33 PM »
message sent
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Re: My 2 month old Rule is dead
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2005, 06:20:56 AM »
Brickguy221 makes a very good point about the drillings of the ball as well as the condition the ball was used on.  Do speak with EXCALIBER, tenpinspro, or clintdaley; they're awesome Track rep's that are very very helpful.  If nothing else is working, you could try BowlerkidR's method, it has worked great for me!

-Sand the ball down to 220-grit or so
-let the ball sit in the Hook Again chamber for about 1-4 days
-Resurface the ball to however you want it

It has brought my Phenom with 350+ games back to life, and should do the same for your Rule!


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Re: My 2 month old Rule is dead
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2005, 11:32:25 AM »
sent you a pm...
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