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Author Topic: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!  (Read 1047 times)


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My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« on: June 07, 2006, 05:10:29 AM »
I have decided since I am going to hit more tourneys this year, seeing more shots, etc, I need more options in my arsenal...while the Robos were great for what I had, you never know what you may see when you travel far away! So here we go!

I am drilling 4 of the following each (I think-I change my mind almost everyday...I am too much like a kid when it comes to drilling new stuff!):
Robo Rules
Mean Machines
Rule GP2 (I still have access to 20+ of these)

They will each have the 4 following drillings:

#1 Pin 2 inches above midline, 3 1/2 from PAP.....mass bias 3 1/2 from VAL, factory surface
Reaction: By far, the earliest aggressive ball I have in my arsenal. Once the head oil starts to go, this ball has to go back in its bag...onlu usually pull this ball out when nothing else will wrinkle.
1. Factory surface

________________o-cg x-extra hole(provided the cg falls out of line)


#2 Pin 1 1/2 above midline, 5 1/4 from PAP, mb 2 1/2 from VAL, factory surface
Reaction: My favorite ball. Strong early reaction (not as much as #1) but gives me more midlane and more continous roll down the lane in my opinion...I can really see this ball charging. Eats up the Scratch league classic shot...probably too much ball for the regular house shots.
2. Factory surface

#3 Pin 2 above midline, 4 1/2 from PAP, mass bias 6 1/4 from VAL, factory surface
Reaction: the weakest dull ball so me more length and more lope than #3...get for the house shots as the ball just doesn't overreact at all...great transition ball...when I am going across lanes, I usually try to use this ball as the reaction is more consistant.
3. Factory surface



#4 Pin 1 3/4 above midline, 1 1/4 from PAP, mass bias 5 inches from VAL, factory surface
Reaction: Very strong early in the lane...needs plenty of oil to get down the lane. So strong it can get over under for me once the pattern breaks down...
#4 factory surface

I am also drilling one of each of the following, and I have yet to determine the layout I am going to use on each:

Heat Blast
Desert Heat

Of course the spare ball as well!

I am also considering drilling a GP2 with the pin 6-7 inches above the midline on the centerline....I liked the way the Robo I had with the pin about 4 inches above the centerline reacted, but I wanted more lope but yet have it be more aggressive from I was thinking a GP2 (due to the medium load of particles).

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff

Edited on 6/7/2006 1:07 PM

Edited on 6/7/2006 1:08 PM

Edited on 6/7/2006 1:09 PM


Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2006, 01:14:33 PM »
Clint spread the balls around some. If you not keeping anything extra how about a donation to fellow bowler who has little access to money. LOL.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
C-G Pro Shop
Offical "Spokesman"
Youngstown, Ohio

"The Revolution has started. The sides were drawn, and if you didnt Choose the side ofEvolution you will fall to the power that it has."


"Freak Bowling Ball cleaner of the TRACK Revolution."
Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2006, 01:14:57 PM »
you already have the mean machine? if so - hook me up clint

A Track Junior Bowler

You can find me at Woodland Bowl - Kicking some ASS!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2006, 01:16:41 PM »
hell yeah - i agree with scoot - i wouldn;t minnd having a gp2 or a robo rule. that would be hella tight.

A Track Junior Bowler

You can find me at Woodland Bowl - Kicking some ASS!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2006, 01:18:20 PM »

do you seriously need to have that many balls in your arsenal? I can see if you bowl alot of tournys or maybe some regionals, but if your just bowling league, thats seems like a lot of overlapping equipment to me..

Lord knows I love to drill new stuff from every company, but the time has come for all that to come to an end.. I now have a 4 ball (I will be adding a hawg-zilla when it gets here, so thats 5 total balls) Hammer arsenal including my spare ball and I feel pretty confident I can play any lane condition out there with one of those balls..

Just wondering and good luck with your arsenal!!
Official member of the Texas Express, 2005-2006 Scratch Doubles Champions!!!!!

on 4/18/06: 193 298 193, now thats a consistant league night, huh?? LOL..

Edited on 6/7/2006 1:28 PM
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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2006, 01:31:33 PM »
As for the Mean Machine, NO, I have not even seen or heard what color it is, let alone have one.

As for spreading the wealth, I am trying to cut a deal with my dist for a few weeks now...I have some approved (as I mentioned yesterday) but I want all of them, so you never know what I may have to help you with.


As for the arsenal, I see it this way.

The GP2 for the heavy stuff. I have seen a few shots lately at other centers where my Robos wanted to skate....I never really saw that with the GP2, and I can get them for relatively half the price as before, so why not?

As for the Robos, I already have all them, so its no $$out of pocket there.

As for the Machines and Mean Machines, I get a mean with my contract and I still have 2 balls I can purchase direct from Track, so throw those in here as well...which means I only have to come up with 5 balls at the most.

By having 4 each of these, I have a medium load particle, light load particle, particle pearl, and resin...4 different surfaces with 3 different covers...only think I don't have is a pearl resin....Main reason is lets say I am really in the groove with a GP2...but the lanes start to break down, but that is the right drill...I can just go to my bag, grab the same drill, but have it on the Machine or Robo or Mean and be able to get through the heads better or whatever I think I need to tackle the condition. I know I think differently than most, but I can't tell you how may times I have heard people say I have the right ball/drill but wrong surface on it......

As for the Artillery...its the only low rg ball left in the line.
As for the Desert, everyone needs one of these in their bags
As for the Equation, I get one still from my contract, so thats automatic!
As for the Blast, its the only ture benchmark ball we have right now in the current line...and with many tourneys, you need a bench.

The spare ball goes without question...

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff


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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2006, 01:42:52 PM »
To add what I said, something else I do is this. When you walk into a shop and want to buy a new ball, how many of you are hesitant when you see the $200+ price tag on the high perf stuff....LOTS in my area. BUT, if you can throw one, or 2 of them FIRST, you will be more comfy in buying one, so, when I am drilling stuff up, I also try to make sure I have as much stuff as possible for my customers to try. Its not all about me, its also trying to sell a ball to the public...

With the Robos, I can't tell you how many people came in and tried 1-2-3 or more of them and said, WOW, I really like this one (of course we messed with the thumb to help them, etc to get a truer feel of the ball) and I sold a Robo because they were able to try it out and they liked what they saw.

Thats part of the reason I have sold over 150 Track balls since January...its what they see and they can try it.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff

Edited on 6/7/2006 1:40 PM


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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2006, 06:09:29 PM »
dude if you are looking to sell some stuff over the internet - i want to get an email. i need a robo for cheap - i dont feel like paying 149$ straight up

A Track Junior Bowler

You can find me at Woodland Bowl - Kicking some ASS!
- Kenny "The Kid" Skidmore
The Bowler's Shop, Anderson IN
      "Now that's MONEYYY!"


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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2006, 05:49:07 AM »
Honestly...March/April, which surprised the crud out of me, BUT, it may also be because thats when I ran my end of the year special and bought tons of closeout/sales stuff and offered them pretty cheap in my shop...I was able to sell all the Arsenals (not the Artillery) for $77 drilled without grips and without slug, and I MADE MONEY at that price! I can't tell you how many Arsenals I sold..well, actually I can as I have my sales broken down by month and by ball, but that is somewhere else right now. Even with grips and a slug, it was $87 plus tax (ended up around $92) out the door for an Arsenal...not too shabby, ad my sales went through the roof!!!!!

Thus, that is why I am working with a distributor now and getting more closeouts secured even cheaper for the upcoming season...we are almost there at a deal now.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2006, 11:45:24 AM »
Let us know when clint. I might order one or two balls from you and ship it to me. Of course, I paid the shipping...


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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2006, 11:47:57 AM »
No problem Snoop...also wanted to tell you once I get them in, my wife is sending the email list with the balls available in every weight we get and the price to members of our website first. After a few days/week has lapsed and they have selected what they want, at that time I will open up the list to everyone on ballreviews and anywhere else, and maybe ebay as well. Whats left will go to my shop.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460

Track Pro Shop staff


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Re: My new arsenal...for the fall....I think!
« Reply #11 on: June 11, 2006, 04:45:01 PM »
I'm waiting for the list! Might be interested in a Heat Blast at some point. Would like a true benchmark ball.
