Well all, I participated in a tournament yesterday. It was my first tourney in almost 2 years (not including state tourney's). In any case, I am glad that I had a slew of Track stuff with me.
I bowled first squad and the lanes were flooded. Lots of oil in the heads and mids, clean backends. I tried the Blue Heat and it wouldnt move. I pulled out the GP2 and shot 234 in game 1, 197 in game 2 (lanes started to transition and I couldnt adjust fast enough), then in game 3 I was totally lost and shot a dismal 147. A majority of that came in frames 7-10 as I went X, 9/, X, X, X, X for a 147!! I had to pull out the 5.0 and push it up the 10 board. The inside started to track up and dry out.
Nonetheless, I qualified. 28th position out of 32 for match play. Lost my first round match but finished the tourney at 20th overall. I used the Mutant mania in the match play and lost 232-210. I needed to strike in the 9th to win the match and slowed down because I was trying to control the ball. I pulled it through the nose and left the 3-6-9-10. I chopped the 6-9-10, left the 3 and then went off the sheet for the 210.
Overall, it was a great learning experience for me and I felt the pressure of needing to make a good shot to win. I did get my entry fee back so I can at least say that I cashed. I am looking forward to next month and will be ready for the pressure next time I make the cut. Next month I want the 1500.00 prize!!
"Do the chickens have large talons" - Napoleon Dynamite
Proud Member of "The Revolution"