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Author Topic: Heat Blast first impressions and Mini Review  (Read 815 times)


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Heat Blast first impressions and Mini Review
« on: January 19, 2006, 10:55:17 PM »
Drilled up the Heat Blast, ball came with a 2.5-3 pin and 2 1/4 ounces of top. Drilled the ball pin 3 3/8 from my PAP, even with my fingers about 2 1/2 above centerline, cg stacked, factory surface.

Other balls being used: Animal, GP2, Robo Rule, Delta, and Arsenal Reactive.

Condition: I was bowling behind a womens league with 5 ladies per team, most of them use plastic/older equipment, so they really don't burn up the heads, but they transfer the oil down the lane and create some carrydown.

Started with the GP2 (drilled Pin by ring, cg and mass bias stacked 4 inches from PAP, factory surface)....outside ws drier than normal, so I moved inside and finally found a decent line standing around 20 playing 15 and keeping it tight...let it out and brooklyn here we come! Tug a few boards and there was still enough head oil and carrydown to make the ball quit.

Found basically the same motion and results from my Animal(drilled identical to the GP2 above, factory surface) but the Animal was a few feet longer and had a more pronounced move on the back..but ran into and saw the same basic reaction as my GP2.

Robo Rule (drilled identical to the GP2 and Animal other than the cg was not in line with the mass bias and pin and was kicked toward my PAP creating an extra hole, factory surface) was the best reaction I found all night. Was more forgiving if I missed a tisker outside (light load particle helps here) and still had enough aggressiveness and turn to be able to play inside where I was with my GP2....the Robo is quickly becoming my favorite ball.

Delta 1 (drilled identical to the GP2 and Animal, factory surface) was the ball I could move inside more with than any other ball I used last night. I was a full 3 boards left of where I was playing with my particle stuff above and the Delta was kicking 10s and rolling up to the pocket like a champ.....really surprised me to be honest but it handled the condition very nice.

Arsenal Reactive (pin by ring, cg stacked, factory surface) gave me the same look I had with my Gp2, but with more backend. The Animal, GP2, and Arsenal Reactive all played almost identical, but the difference was the Reactive had more juice on the backend...I never once left a 10 pin with this ball last night, if I missed or didn't quite get the Animal or Gp2 at the bottom, even though the ball would get up to the pocket, the 6 just laid flat in the ditch, never even trying to help the 10 out...the Reactive was kicking out 10s all night (just like the Delta).

Then, once I had figured out where everything else was playing, I pulled out the Heat Blast....given the carrydown, I figured between the polished cover and slightly weaker overall ball, I would see over/under like crazy...not enough inside, too much outside. Stood 2 boards right of where I was with the Robo and Gp2...and the ball had a few more feet of length and then POP, it turned and smashed the pins. I was quite surprised! Threw a few more shots and the ball turned the corner everytime. Great hit at the pins and scooted through the heads with ease. Ball keeps the pins fairly low which is something some of you guys look for. When I moved to where the Gp2 and Robo were playing, I could still get the Blast up to the pocket, but it was weak 10 after weak 10 and throw in a weak 8 as could tell the ball was just laboring too much in the oil. It had not shot of coming back playing where I was striking with ease with the Delta!

Overall, another great ball from Track. Fits exactly where I thought it would with the rest of my arsenal, and will fit well in most peoples bags. I have really been wanting a factory polished solid reactive symmetrical ball from Track for a while now, and I have it.

On a side wife, who judges bowling balls by their appearance, said this one was very appealing....something she does not say very much at all.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460



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Re: Heat Blast first impressions and Mini Review
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 07:07:58 AM »
Excellent review as always!  We are getting ready to get the wife a new ball now that she has her swing and thumb problems worked out.  I was dead set on getting her a heat.  She throws 14, so the core will be the same.  I want to get her something with more pop on the backs than the Scout Reactive she throws now.  This may make me reconsider and go with this over the Heat.  She has low revs and Med/low speed.

"It's gonna be a good day Tater!"

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