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Author Topic: Need help purchasing a ball  (Read 812 times)


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Need help purchasing a ball
« on: September 28, 2010, 01:56:32 PM »
Hi everyone, I'm somewhat of a beginner and wondering if I can humbly request some of your expert advice on purchasing a ball.  About 12 years ago, I went through a period of about a year or two where I was bowling pretty consistently (a few times a week).  I got pretty good, though not nearly at the level of all of you.  I also never got around to purchasing my own ball.  Money was definitely an issue at that time.  Now, after about 10 years off, I have joined a bowling league that will start up in about two weeks.  I'd like to purchase a ball, and I really like what I'm reading about Track, but there are so many options.  Here's a little info on my style.  

I'm male, right handed, about 5'6".  I tend to go with a 14lb ball.  I'm a stroker.  I don't throw a very fast ball.  My backswing is somewhat abbreviated and I try to keep everything smooth and let gravity and approach do a lot of the work.  I don't like to play deep inside.  Left of board 25 starts to get a bit out of my comfort zone.  I tend to play more of an outside line when I throw.  Keep in mind, my experience has been with house balls.  The best house ball I ever threw had finger tip grips and I played an outside line and got a smooth consistent hook to the pins.  I generated most of my hook with my fingertips, keeping my hand relatively straight through the throw rather than rotating my hand.    

I'm wondering what my best options are for a ball.  Also, keep in mind that I'm not necessarily stuck in my ways.  I could definitely learn to adjust my game if I had to, and I intend to try new things this time around.  Just knowing myself, though, I know my style will always be on the smoother side.  Back when I was bowling regularly, my strong point was accuracy, particularly my spare, which I like to throw straight (very little hook).  My strike ball always suffered, so I'm definitely looking to get a ball that can add a lot of strength to my style of play.  That is, a ball that will provide the best pin action (best chance for striking) for a player of my style.  Also know that money is still an issue, somewhat, so this will be the only ball I'll purchase.  Therefore, I'll need something that is versatile and can perform on a variety of conditions.

Sorry if this all sounds a bit lame, given your level of play, but any advice will be truly appreciated.