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Author Topic: Need Help with some Layouts.  (Read 1250 times)

The great one

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Need Help with some Layouts.
« on: March 12, 2004, 12:14:10 AM »
It seems as of late, the majority of my equipment has way too much snap and backend. I have alot of speed, and revolutions (see profile) This equipment (dry heat, darkside, freakout, magic, crunch time) has the pin above the bridge and vary from ball to ball, from negative, on the top, over the ring finger, farther over than the ring finger. The cgs are kicked out for the most part, and only the ball with the pin farther out than the ring finger has it kicked out farther than under the ring finger. I have an old heat with the pin drilled right next to the ring finger and the cg in middle of the span, and this ball seems to roll a bit sooner, but still has a ton of backend. I have 2 balls (money, triple threat) drilled with an "aggressive" layout, pin under ring finger cg out, and they roll early, and well on these patterns, but once it starts drying out, they either roll out, or hook to early. I was thinking of getting an animal, but not sure how to drill it, i was thinking either pin, cg, mass bias all in a line right under my bridge, or with the pin under the ring finger and the cg negative. I was also thinking of picking up a crash when it comes out, on this one i want to either drill up like my heat, or if i drill the animal w/the cg negative, put the straight layout on it.. Any thoughts or ideas will be greatly appreciated.



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Re: Need Help with some Layouts.
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2004, 04:59:37 AM »
Hi Great One,

How've you been?  Based on what your saying, I don't know how often you can use your Animal even with the mellow patterns.  This ball moves quite a bit when it sniffs lite oil to dry.  In your case, you may be even make it turn thru the heavier stuff pretty easily.  I have a friend right now who has about the same amount of turn as you do and we're debating the same issue.  We may have to end up glossing it to make it useable in any of the houses around locally.  Hopefully my bud A. Chapman can jump in on this because I always turn to him when it comes to layouts for stronger players since he is one...
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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Re: Need Help with some Layouts.
« Reply #2 on: March 13, 2004, 11:17:36 PM »

I see from your profile that your favorite layout is a 4x4 with the pin above the fingers and CG stacked underneath.  Assuming a "normal" track (no wierd vertical axis coordinates), this is a classic stacked layout which will give you a very strong backend.  Plus the fact that you have the pin up above the fingers increases the backend.  This is the type of layout I use when I want to play deep and I need something to really turn the corner.  I don't use it often because it is very violent downlane.

With your rev rate, I would tend to keep the pins below the fingers.  This will shorten the core and smoothen out the reaction.  Also, keeping the pins further from your axis will smooth out the reaction.  Instead of 4 inches, try 5-5.5" with the CG kicked out (or MB on your VAL).  Hole on your axis.  This would put the pin on your centerline to under the middle finger.   By putting the MB on your VAL and a hole on the axis, this will stabilize the core and get it to read without being too strong downlane.  Tenpins is right, the Animal, even with a weak layout is going to be very strong.  I'd try a Crunchtime, Havoc or Threat with the pin under the fingers 5" from your axis.  Basically a 5x3.5 (45* angle) with a hole on your axis.  This will give you length but still smoothen out the reaction downlane.  I have a Crunchtime drilled like this (5 3/8) and it's one of my favorite medium balls.  Very smooth reaction even for a pearl ball.  I plan on complimenting it with a Threat, 6" from my axis, under my middle finger for later blocks or when the CT is finishing too strongly.

The great one

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Re: Need Help with some Layouts.
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2004, 04:23:23 PM »
what about the "new voodoo" the crash?


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Re: Need Help with some Layouts.
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2004, 10:05:28 PM »
I haven't received mine or seen any in action but it too should work with that layout.