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Author Topic: Negative Mass Bias Layouts  (Read 2352 times)


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Negative Mass Bias Layouts
« on: October 05, 2008, 11:56:15 AM »
Hey guys

I've not yet been able to bowl this year due to injury but I'm close to returning. I just worked out all my stuff and glued in the inserts. I'm dying to throw the Up-Rising and Tantrum. I've drilled up some of the balls from my storage, and tried a couple layouts with Negative Mass Bias. I did a Power Machine and a Inertia. The links to the pictures are below. I've see some video of guys throwing these layouts with different balls, so I have an idea as to what the roll shape will be like. What conditions will these best be suited for? Anybody? How about carrydown?  



Here are my Tantrum and Up Rising layouts: As always, a few pics of each¤t=12Tantrum.jpg¤t=22UpRising.jpg



Proud Member of the Track Legion

See profile for arsenal. Links to PICs and Descriptions are posted. I have a few Pics posted of each ball.


Edited on 10/7/2008 9:35 PM


Mark T. Trgovac

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Re: Negative Mass Bias Layouts
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2008, 12:54:04 AM »
It depends on the way you play. I see them as great control layouts. Really makes the ball do what you do to it. If you get around it, they tend to get down the lane and have a good backend break. If you stay behind them they are smooth and only smooth. The other thing is that the surface plays a bigger part in the reaction also. My Inertia and Machine are drilled like this and they are great for me on short oil patterns.

They can be condition specific but that can be changed with the right surface prep.
Mark "scoot" Trgovac
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Mark T. "Scoot" Trgovac
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Re: Negative Mass Bias Layouts
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2008, 05:54:51 AM »
It also depends very strongly on the mass bias strength of the individual ball. On the Tantrum or Kinetic Energy, with their low MB, .008", this is not a major problem and it won't have a major effect. With the Rising and UpRising, with their super strong Mass Bias of .032", you probably want to avoid this. It may reduce the backend to almost nothing, literally, depending on your other release specs: like ball speed, tilt, rev rate, etc.. The higher your rev rate and the higher your tilt, the safer this (MB on the track side of the thumb) can be.
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Re: Negative Mass Bias Layouts
« Reply #3 on: October 06, 2008, 07:20:58 AM »
the layout you have on that power machine killed a friends Machine.
the ball was dead for him... went straight like plastic. just as a sidenote.

for what I found... I think this tames the ball a lot... the stronger the MB the more you tame it.
Sebastian Koch
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Re: Negative Mass Bias Layouts
« Reply #4 on: October 06, 2008, 05:06:46 PM »
Thanks for the info guys

It should be noted that both balls currently have no balance hole and can be adjusted for more or less flare by adding one. I pretty much drilled them for length and a controlled reaction on a house shot so I can go more so down the boards. This shot changes radically and hooks a ton, so my ball almost rolls sideways even from the inside out. I drilled a Flaming T off label and did a pin up 5 x 5 Tantrum for this type of shot as well. As Scoot added, I may have to tweak the covers, but will start with the OOB or box finish. Would not bother me if I have to move way outside to get these balls to the hole.

I am rev dominant, so I do hit the ball pretty well. My A game is swinging the ball from the inside out, but if I am not executing as well as I would like or the shot will not allow me to score well, I like to have the down and in option.  



Proud Member of the Track Legion

See profile for arsenal. Links to PICs and Descriptions are posted. I have a few Pics posted of each ball.

Edited on 10/6/2008 5:15 PM