Hey Brandon,
So your not wanting much length and you are wanting fair overall hook.
Using my style as an example:
PIN BELOW THE RING FINGER -- These type of layouts give me early hook in the heads and provide a smooth stable arc on the backend. They also shorten the core as well.
PIN ABOVE THE RING FINGER -- These type of layouts give me maximum length in the heads and save much of the coverstocks energy for the dry backends. In a nutshell, these type of layouts provide mostly skid/snap and very archy reactions. They also make the core taller.
If you are not wanting much length I would go with something PIN BELOW, but if you want alot of length and alot of snap, I would go with something PIN ABOVE...I'll be able to give you a more clearer answer when you tell me what your PAP is. Hope this helps for the time being, God Bless you and have a great week!
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Edited on 3/20/2006 7:48 PM