Nice video! I really liked the revving-up core animation. I also really liked one of the shots you made; it was 25 at the arrows to around 6 at the break (at 2min 10sec). If possible, it would be cool if you could do a comparison video (much like what you did with your Angular, Reactive, and Aggressive). Nevertheless, cool vid!
... and here are my initial impressions of the Machine:
Mine is drilled:
Clean through the fronts, pretty strong in the midlane, not as strong and angular as I expected on the backend. Therefore, I do have to agree about the ball not hooking as much as I expected. It's still not as strong as my Delta on fresh, but it covers a great amount of boards after game 1 (first game, 198, second game, 248, then I had to go home
)! Carry/finish for me is average; it's not quite up there with my Delta.
DinoEvolutionary. Revolutionary.
TrackEdited on 3/17/2006 0:49 AM