Remember, Scroggs, Mike Wolfe and Fagan were signed to the "umbrella" deals, meaning that they had no particular brand to represent on TV. All other staff guys had to represent the brand they were signed to. Once Detroit happened (WSOB), Ky. response to the Storm guys was as mentioned above. They turned all staff guys loose on all 4 brands. A lot of Ky, loyal guys threw Track a ton during the week, for each event. Some guys matched up better with brands than others, or particular balls matched up well with everyone (i.e. Missions, Pure Swings, 715's and 505's). TV incentives still matter though. How would it look for Chad Murphy and C300 if Barnes is on TV throwing a Mission, for example? That's why the 'cornerstones - (Barney, TJ, Couch, Billy O, Mitch) had to throw what they represent. PA was still throwing Vibes...
Michael will match up well with Track, good luck to him!
Bill Daley
Better Bowling Concepts
Norwich, CT