Well, I'm at a standstill on which ball I want to get soon to use as a heavy oil ball this year. Been using my trusty 505T for over 2 years now and though it's still rolling strong, I still feel like I need something a tad stronger and earlier to use for tournaments. I'm more of a stroker now since I've change swing in the last year or so, throwing it at about 16 mph and mainly throwing it 10 to 7 at the breakpoint. I was set on getting the 716T until I saw the 912T and I've heard both are really good balls. If anyone had got a chance to throw both balls, what would be the better ball for my style? BTW, the drilling I have on my 505T has the pin about 4 1/4" from my PAP (pin next to ring finger) and MB next to the thumbhole. Sorry, I'm still learning to use the dual angle layouts to give out my measurements.