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Author Topic: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T  (Read 4507 times)

On Fire

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O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« on: August 30, 2012, 05:24:47 AM »
Well, I'm at a standstill on which ball I want to get soon to use as a heavy oil ball this year. Been using my trusty 505T for over 2 years now and though it's still rolling strong, I still feel like I need something a tad stronger and earlier to use for tournaments. I'm more of a stroker now since I've change swing in the last year or so, throwing it at about 16 mph and mainly throwing it 10 to 7 at the breakpoint. I was set on getting the 716T until I saw the 912T and I've heard both are really good balls. If anyone had got a chance to throw both balls, what would be the better ball for my style? BTW, the drilling I have on my 505T has the pin about 4 1/4" from my PAP (pin next to ring finger) and MB next to the thumbhole. Sorry, I'm still learning to use the dual angle layouts to give out my measurements.   



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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2012, 08:28:09 AM »
I have both.  The 912T is a truck.  Don't get me wrong, the 716T is a good ball.  The 912T has more drive on the back.  It has the Legion 2 Turbo core from the 811A, which I love.  If I had to pick one over the other, it would be the 912T.  If you find it to be too strong, you can always shine it up.

Hope that helps a little.

Mike Austin

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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2012, 10:05:36 AM »
I have both also, in fact 2 of each.  One shiny and one dull of each.  The 912T seems to hit harder when out of the box finish.  I have bowled well with both, shot 300 in tournaments with both, but the 912T seems to spank the pins around a lot more.  The carry power seems more explosive.  Total hook is about 2-4 boards more with the 912T, so it is not excessive.  Both take a shine very well, and become completely different animals when shined.  I would go with the 912T, good choice either way.
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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2012, 10:47:46 AM »
Hey you thought about the 503t mine is a beast its right now my big ball and for a ths its plenty of ball and it is about 4-5 boards more than my 505 ever was.

On Fire

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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2012, 04:39:05 PM »
Hey you thought about the 503t mine is a beast its right now my big ball and for a ths its plenty of ball and it is about 4-5 boards more than my 505 ever was.

I have looked at the specs on the 503T and I've heard it's a tad stronger than the 505T though on paper it seems like it should be pure medium oil ball. The 505T surprised me because it was earlier and stronger than most of the higher performance balls I've had in the past like the 920T and 916AT. If the 503T is indeed earlier and stronger than my 505T with the same layout, then I would consider that just because of the price point.


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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2012, 09:04:41 PM »
The 912T is just special. One of the first super oilers that doesn't lose anything in the backend for such an aggressive solid. The best thing, is that when you take down the surface you still get the same shot shape, just a a few boards less of overall hook.


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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2012, 10:29:13 PM »
I've only thrown the 716T at a ball trial.

It was powerful and perfect.  Tons of continuation and more boards covered than I usually like to play but because of the blend of continuation(flare) and energy retention I almost believe it was one of the best balls I have ever thrown!  What hit!

I can't imagine needing more which I can see from youtube videos the 912T is MORE  and I am sure it is stronger.  I don't know when I would need that much!


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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #7 on: October 06, 2012, 11:27:28 PM »
The 912T is going to be VERY early for you.  I have one drilled 55 x 4 3/4 x 70, pin below ring, mass bias kicked out to the right, and it is really early and smooth on the back.  I would suggest the 716T.  It will be stronger than the 505T, but not something that you will only be able to use for a game.  I have been able to use this ball all 3 games of league, and even tournaments when it still gives me the motion I'm looking for.


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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #8 on: October 14, 2012, 04:03:50 PM »
wait until you see the 811 C/T
it will be right between the 2 you mention as the numbering suggests


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Re: O.k., help me decide between 912T and 716T
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2012, 05:36:30 PM »
I'm so pissed that the overseas gets a hybrid, but we have to wait for another high end hybrid from Track.