Really don't know where to begin! Have to give 'props' to Jim for organizing a great event! He also made sure everyone was enjoying themselves (during bowling) as well! Must say, though I met him for the first time, the award he received was well deserved! Thanks Jim!!!
Next, I'd like to thank the many great guys I've met. Up until this tournament, I only knew them via voice. Majority are crazy as all hell
but truly good people nonetheless. Had a great time crossing with Bob a.k.a. minimum bob. Had great convo as well.
Most of all, I have to give MAJOR PROPS AND RESPECT to the Leong and Hurd Family! Rick extended himself like a brother. Truly an amazing guy!!! Carl was equally giving as well. I know there was the 'Rat Pack' with Sammy, Dean and Tony, but I must admit, the 3 of us have quite a unique bond with similar bonding characteristics. We've talked on the phone too many times to count and have finally met. The same in person as on the phone (as I'm sure they will admit the same about me
) ... <sniff ... sniff>
Because of this GREAT EXPERIENCE, my family and I plan to bowl Nats next year! This was my first Nationals and I, like those before me, have more to say (including my new screen name ..
). I'll continue the post once I return to NY.
Proud member of the Track Revolution - EMERITUS & Hitman
"Minds are like parachutes - they only function when open!"