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Author Topic: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 857 times)


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Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: August 26, 2006, 09:43:24 AM »
Practicing today for the upcoming season, was pleased with the way I threw today and I come home and see that there's a crack on the bridge of my Arsenal Angular, my fave ball right now. I've only had it since April and it only has about 30 games on it. Is that a manufacturer's defect, driller error or should I just have the crack repaired or the ball plugged & redrilled? Track bashers need not chime in, I've had over 30 Track balls and this is the first time that this has happened.



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Re: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2006, 05:44:57 PM »
And if the ball is no good or needs replaced, what should I replace it with, the Artillery or the Equation?


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Re: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2006, 05:47:30 PM »
Actually if you get it replaced, you should get the new Track Inertia.
-BrIan MEan MAchine, INertia, ACtion PAcked, DEsert HeAt
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Re: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2006, 06:28:09 PM »
Thanks, guys. I've had this happen twice before, but that was after 2 or 3 years and a lot of use. If it's nothing to worry about then I'll keep throwing it, but if it is something that falls under the one year warranty, I'll go back to the pro shop where I bought it and have him send it in to see about a replacement. I'll probably get an Inertia anyways, just waiting to see the specs and the core and hear some more feedback from everyone.


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Re: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2006, 10:47:24 PM »
Replacing it is the issue. To check for driller error, pull the finger inserts out and see if the holes meet in the middle at the bottom. If not, then it would fall under warranty. If you want to warranty it, DO NOT PLUG it. This voids the warranty. As I said, if it is a warranty issue, then you would not be able to replace it with an Angular for Track does not have any. If you like the ball that much just keep bowling with it and repair it as needed for the life of the ball. Favorite balls are hard to come by.
Duck Savant
University Pro Shop
San Antonio, Texas
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Re: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2006, 10:56:01 PM »
Hammer33 is right.

I would look at the Inertia. It uses the same coverstock pretty much as the Angular. But it is a asymmetrical ball where the Angular was symmetrical. But you do get the extra perk of having a MB to tweak your layout and ball reaction.

Holler at Clintdaley. CG Pro Shop Carl, and/or tenpinspro for some advice. Be ready to have your pap, style of bowling, conditions you regularly bowl on and anything else that might be of help for them to determine your best need.

You might check with Clintdaley...he did have 1 or 2 Angulars left about a week ago. Also, there are several used ones on Ebay. I have 1 that I might be willing to sell you.

The Angular is one of my favorite balls too......I have 2 of them and they actually overlap each other on the conditions I normally bowl on. LMK
Marlene Sixkiller
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Yes thank you Six, i was going to say that same thing (i didn't have time to type all that, at the moment)

Hey freak761,

I would also check with clintdaley to see if he has any Inertia's comming to him. If you decide to go with that ball. Going with the Inertia would probably be a wise decision because of what Six said, you have more drilling possibilities, and you have an overal stronger ball. Also if you don't want it to be much stronger than your Angular than you can even adjust the surface of the Inertia.

Let me know if i can help further, or let me know on what ball you pick!
-BrIan MEan MAchine, INertia, ACtion PAcked, DEsert HeAt
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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Oh, No!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2006, 11:27:23 PM »
It could be a number of things bud.

Replacing it would be difficult....the closest reaction to the Angular in the current lineup FOR ME is the Equation. I think the Intertia is a tad longer.

Check about getting a replacment. If you plug or repair it you will void the ball's warranty.

Carl Hurd
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