I sincerely hope you weren't trying to mock me with the "burning curiosities" comment.
What I meant was that, rather than just say "oh, this ball's technology will do X for your game and the sport," what if you said, "oh, this ball's technology will do X for your game and the sport, because of Y." You could then go on to say, "see, we have this chart/graph/something of our testing, and this clearly shows X." Obviously, I'm assuming that you have something like this, and that the folks at Track didn't just throw some stuff together and say, "wow, look what this ball does."
I've been to trackbowling.com -- the one subject most closely connected to the 360 degree drilling ended with the standard "No. 1 is the best for the majority of bowlers" comment.
Why the need to keep drilling layouts secret? What is the reason for this? Does it help anybody? I don't understand why a company would do this -- it puts the educated bowler/driller off, and it further prevents people from understanding a company's ball technology.
Just my .02 cents.