This thread is actually for my buddy Dain, whom I have been coaching, he was talking to me over the phone today and he told me what I thought would be a step up from the Desert Heat..the reason why he was asking is because in league, everything else of his hooked the lane way too much, but his Desert Heat wasn't strong enough to get back to the pocket...his arsenal is listed below...he has made it very clear that his next purchase WILL be a TRACK BALL...so, your opinions are needed, what would be a good step up from the Desert Heat? God Bless you all and have a great week!
Dain's Arsenal:
U-Turn Particle -- Label Drilling
Power Drive -- Pin Below Ring Finger, CG kicked out 2" w/ Weight Hole
Crunch Time -- Label Drilling
Desert Heat -- Pin Below the Bridge
* NOTE: Everything hooked way too much except the Desert Heat which didn't hook at all...
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