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Author Topic: Other GP2 uses  (Read 628 times)

Mitch Beasley

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Other GP2 uses
« on: March 21, 2005, 02:10:49 AM »
I have two GP2s, one drilled 6 by 5 pin above middle finger the other is 5 1/2 by 5 pin under middle finger. I originally used for heavy oil but they hooked too much for me with my amount of revolutions. I started playing around with them the last week, as I am starting to bowl more and get ready for tournaments. I found that after putting a lot of shine ( and I mean a lot of shine) I could play a lot straighter with them than I thought I could.

I had some success with the pin under but it wasn't carrying as well as I would like because it was either too much or not enough. I decided to drill out most of the side weight and went from 3/4 to 1/8 side weight to see if I could improve the carry. I am really impressed with the carry and reaction I get now. I had to move a little right after removing the side weight but the reaction is smoother and I carry almost everything now.

I now have a ball that is very smooth and I can bang the dry boards with it and not have ANY over reaction. It now hooks about an arrow less that my other big balls and I am now in love with the GP2 when before I couldn't throw them.  

I bowled a tournament yesterday in a house that I struggle in real bad. The shot is a slot between 8 and 15 and they hook a lot. If you get left of 15 the ball hooks at your feet and if you shove it through the heads it will miss the break point.

I won 500 in brackets the first three games throwing the GP2 in the slot when every thing else overeacted. I now have a tremendous carrying ball to play hooking backends or over under reactions.

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Re: Other GP2 uses
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2005, 01:47:22 PM »
Thanks for the thought Mitch, I may try that on my 2nd GP2.  Your control layout on the Aggressive is a great fit for me on the O/U shots.  It just reads nice and even in the heavier oil and doesn't jump off the dry either becasue of the weaker pattern.  If any of you guys are interested in having a strong ball for O/U conditions, this is a very good way to go.  I'll have a post soon after Nats...

Rick Leong
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