Has anyone had problems with their Power Machine leaving crazy splits when there is carry down on the lanes. We started league last night and I bowled with it the first game, 198, second game 148 with three pocket splits. I promptly put it up. Well it was actually reluctantly, after being threatened by my brother and younger team mate. I ended up averaging 170 for the three games. I have been averaging 190+, but I could not get the ball to move much and left crazy splits with it, time and time again, even in the practice games after league.
One of the older gentleman in the league ask me if the powermachine was my spare ball after seeing how little it was moving. I polished it with clean and tacky, but it now seems too shiny--much shinier then oob. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.
By the way, we would have lost regardless, as the team we bowled against averaged 194, 233 and 279 without handicap, with the third bowler bowling an 807 3 game series.
The other CharlesT
Edited on 5/30/2007 8:02 PM