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Author Topic: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment  (Read 1633 times)


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PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« on: May 16, 2005, 01:10:13 PM »
So here is the thing, tomorrow night at one of our local centers, we are having a practice type league with each of the five shots being put out weekly and they are also putting out the major oil patterns for the next 14 weeks, if any of you guys have shot on any of these and throw Track equipment, what is the best on each of the patterns? They are starting out with the Scorpion let me have your suggestions for what to use? I possess the Rule GP2, Animal, and Phenom Unleashed. I am also purchasing a Heat very soon. So let me have some suggestions regardless of the Track equipment I have.
Hammer Sux!
Michael Price - Office Manager
McCorvey's Bowling World Staff - Phone: (256) 539-1560
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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2005, 10:42:30 PM »

I'm going to improvise a little bit...I bowled on the national PBA patterns for a couple of years at the regional level before the recent switch to #1-5.  I did not throw Track equipment, aside from a CrunchTime until a year ago, but I have thrown Track primarily for the last 6-8 months.  #1-5 are somewhat similar to the national patterns.  Be sure to keep in mind the information in my profile!

Scorpion:  (For me) Slash with some polish, CrunchTime when they break down
(For you) Perhaps your PU polished

Shark:  (me) Rule GP2, moving left and with more speed as they break down
(you) GP2, perhaps PU if it were dull as they break down

Chameleon:  (me) Slash or CrunchTime, depending on the surface...Xception can also work well
(you) PU with polish

Viper: (me) Honestly, my pin-out V2 Pearl works the best.  Can also have success with my Xception.
(you) The Heat would probably work best.

Cheetah: (me) Pin-out V2 Pearl always worked best for me there.  
(you)  I'd go with the Heat again.

I should also note that I often use my Zone Classic at the end of tournaments...the Heat would probably serve a similar purpose for me if I drilled one.

I couldn't find a place where I could recommend the Animal for you...not to say that it won't work, but I think you'll have more success with the GP2 as it has more backend than the Animal.

Let me know if there's anything more I can do to help...I'm not a Track staffer, but I am a Track supporter!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2005, 05:49:10 AM »
With most PBA patterns (or Sport patterns) it is tough to use a big hooking ball or asymmetric ball....the asymmetrics are too jumpy at the break vs a symmetric core ball which is much smoother. Thus the reason why you see many Slashes, Heats, FAZs, and Arsenals when yo go to these. You need a consistant reaction shot after shot, which is what symmetrics do more often than asymmetrics. I have found though, if you drill an asymmetric with the mass bias left of the thumb, it really smooths the ball out as it sort of neutralizes the mass bias, thus the reason it is my favorite drill. I pretty much REFUSED to drill myself an asymmetric ball until I was on Track's staff last year, but I have found this works great for me.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2005, 12:11:11 PM »

I agree with most of what you said.  For the great majority of my bowling on tougher patterns, I stay away from anything that is skid/flip.  I look for two things in my tournament arsenal:  excellent carry and controllable reactions.  

However, I have had success using asymmetrics on a couple of the new PBA patterns this year, specifically my GP2 (Pin above and right of ring finger, MB 1" right of thumb).  The East used the two longest patterns on synthetics, and both conditions seemed to play extremely long and tight for the straighter players (myself included).  If you didn't have above-average revs, you had to play very direct.  For myself, with my GP2 in box condition, there was enough volume to get the ball through the heads, and the drill pattern provided a strong arc at the breakpoint, with the ball providing phenominal carry.  I cashed and made a finals in two tournaments so far with this ball.

With that being said, I do use symmetrical equipment most of the time.  I like my CrunchTime and Slash (Slash being slightly polished), and I have had a lot of success throwing a couple of Ebonite V2 Pearls.  I also have a Zone Classic that works well at the end of tournaments, but basically as your asymmetical equipment is set up, it has the MB under the thumb, providing a very smooth move at the breakpoint for me.

As a last thought-  Track seems to be fairly popular in our region.  It's not uncommon to see a Rule GP2 on racks for the longer patterns, and there are a lot of Slashes carried by members who are not under contract.
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 12:17:53 PM »
Totally agree about the GP2. I will have 5 or 6 of them by the time the season starts next year. Just don't see many people trying to throw asymmetric on PBA/Sport patterns due to the jumpiness, but in my case, there is really no jumpiness from many balls due to the way I throw, but I can see where the GP2 would be popular due to the higher RG, in my opionion, not to mention the versatility.

The Slash speaks for itself....what a great piece!

Thanks for your input, it is greatly appreciated!

Good luck as well!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460

Edited on 5/17/2005 12:11 PM


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2005, 08:59:32 PM »
Scorpion Pattern was a very tough pattern. I still managed to average 190.50 for 6 games. My first game was my best with a 225. I could tell the difference once carry down and the lanes breaking down came into play though. Just got my Rule GP2 today and I am blown away by the hook. The carry and the way it shatters pins is unbelievable! Next week is the Cheetah...any suggestions on such a short pattern? With the way I throw, I feel I will be playing inside deep throwing outside close to the gutter like Jason Hurd did at the Uniroyal Tire Classic when WRW won his 40th. Take care guys, and I will update by next week!

Michael Price
Everybody's Got A Price!
Hammer Sux!
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McCorvey's Bowling World Staff - Phone: (256) 539-1560
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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2005, 11:15:22 PM »

You're correct about assuming that you have to play close to the gutter.  I prefer arcing equipment due to the shortness of the pattern (and therefore the subsequent elongation of the backend), but if you're going to play the pattern from left of center, then you will probably need something that'll be strong at the breakpoint.    I would choose something that gets through the heads easily, as you're going to have trouble carrying if you're burning too much energy early.  The Heat would serve you best here; or, go hit your PU with a lot of polish!

And, on edit, 190.50 isn't too bad...depending on the pattern/surface, there were several times where low-to-cash was at about a 195 average, so you're likely in a "competitive" zone with your 190.

Hope this helps some!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member

Edited on 5/17/2005 11:09 PM


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2005, 12:13:00 AM »
Thanks Jeff! That is a big confidence booster to me. I'm really kind of glad someone thought of this idea to bring the sport patterns into town in this type of non-sanctioned fun/practice type league. I averaged 210 on the regular house shot this year and I was not expecting much last night (Tuesday) when bowling on it. I was definitely blown away at myself for averaging what I did. Well, I got the Heat on order and layaway, hopefully I have enough money by tomorrow (Thursday) to purchase it. The guy who out averaged me on the Scorpion pattern seems to think he is going to play the gutter alas WRW back at the Uniroyal where he won his 40th, just exactly like that. I was very reluctant because of his style. Besides, I really don't see that many people able to emulate WRW's style. I would do it if I knew I could change hand positions and be confident with change, but, you have to go in with what you know and adjust accordingly...I was going to ask how the Slash may perform on the Cheetah? I have been told it maybe a good idea to polish that one for it as well. My whole idea behind equipment is to take it as they are, otherwise they would not have made it out of box the way they did if that is not what Track had in mind. Thanks again for the help
Everybody's Got A Price!
Hammer Sux!
Michael Price - Office Manager
McCorvey's Bowling World Staff - Phone: (256) 539-1560
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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2005, 08:01:51 AM »
Depending on the surface and your style, the Slash may be too much ball. I remember Barnes throwing the Super Trooper/Trooper (one of them) up the gut and of course Walter with the Xception. I think on this pattern, length is the key with a smooth transition at the break. The Slash may be too much ball unless it is polished.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #9 on: May 19, 2005, 03:15:03 PM »

I would totally agree on leaving your equipment in box condition when you first drill it.  However, if you don't like the reaction you're getting, feel free to polish or sand to fine-tune the reaction.  It's relatively easy to return equipment back to their box finishes.  For example:  I polish and dull my Slash depending on the condition I'm expecting at the upcoming regionals.  If it's going to play long and tight, I'll leave it dull...but if they're using a shorter/lighter pattern, then I'll hit it with some polish.  I wouldn't recommend trying this with every piece of equipment, but it does show that Track products in particular can suit more than one purpose.

Ok, for Cheetah-  playing the gutter is definitely the easiest way to score on the pattern, but if you're not comfortable with going straight-up the gutter, just concentrate on having your breakpoint be in the general vicinity of the gutter.  Anywhere from the first board to 3rd/4th should work, depending on the surface and the equipment you're throwing.  

And...if the Slash is the least-hooking ball you have (drilled) at the moment, then I'd suggest hitting it with a lot of polish.  Bowlers like WRW (higher speed, straighter players) have the most success on this pattern, all things being equal, and you'll want to try to put yourself in that category to the best of your abilities.

Good luck, and continued great bowling!
Jeff Voght
PBA Eastern Region Member


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Re: PBA Patterns with Track Equipment
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2005, 09:49:26 PM »
Bowled on Cheetah tonight...averaged 174.33, about 20 pins less than last week on the Scorpion...the transition was quick and carry down became a big issue...had the best action from the 5 to the gutter..I'm bowling on the ABC Masters shot next week, here is my arsenal, if any of you Track guys can help, its greatly appreciated. Rule GP2, Animal, Phenom Unleashed, X-Ception 5.0 (getting it friday), Slash, and Heat (getting friday also)..heard the Masters is a very tough to semi tough shot. Thanks again
P.S. Slash was the ball to use tonight, left it in box finish

Michael Price
One Thing to Know About Humans:
Everybody's Got A Price!

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Edited on 5/24/2005 9:42 PM
Michael Price - Office Manager
McCorvey's Bowling World Staff - Phone: (256) 539-1560
Hammer Amateur Staff