Lately have changed my style of bowling, slowing my ball speed down to about medium speed (maybe a little more than medium), and have increased my rev rate and raised my track (used to be a real bad spinner). Lately, I have had an awesome strike ball, but cannot use any of my Track equipment in league I just bought not too long ago (Phenon and TT). I start out with my Eraser, and I cannot really control that in the third game of league. So, I wanted to ask you guys, what Track ball and drilling would people recommend when my 4-year old Reactive Resin Eraser hooks too much? Speeding my shot up helps to a point, but is there something I could go to where I would not have to play around with my speed release all that much, because I think I could be more consistent with something drilled weaker. I have been looking at the Dry Heat, Havoc, and Crunch Time. The Crunch Time and Havoc seem in the league of my Eraser, though, but am interested in what ball and drilling you guys recommend...