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Author Topic: Phoenix, good choice  (Read 1050 times)


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Phoenix, good choice
« on: February 05, 2007, 03:39:13 AM »
Alright I am looking for a ball that will be able to use on a fresh league shot, got it narrowed down to 4 choices:
1. Big Shot- I have been having trouble matching up with Big C as of late
2. Hole Pounder Solid- Will it be strong enough?
3. Phoenix- leaning toward this but haven't throwen Track since Critical Mass
4. Seek& Desrtoy- I have one already, but a touch stronger than what I want

You Track guys give me your opinions, I relly want to try something other than Columbia, I haven't matched well with the equipment the last year or so, I would like to try Track again and I already will be buying another S&D for a league I will be bowling come fall at a house which is known for vast amounts of oil on the lanes. I am hoping Phoenix will fall in between Seek & Destroy and well nothing I have no ball in the aresenal for heavy THS patterns. Thanks for the help guys
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Phoenix, good choice
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2007, 12:30:38 PM »
I have been using my Phoenix almost exclusively first out of the bag on my league conditions. It reads the patterns so well and it does not require a perfect release every throw(it gives you a margin for error).

I can get away with using it on most conditions med/heavy down to medium. When the head oil starts to go I have to put it away and use something that gets down the lane better before it reads the pattern.

This is another thing to consider. If you were to throw it OOB and it wasn't quite enough for what you are looking for the Phoenix's coverstock is super versatile(though I have not changed mine yet). With 4000 OOB I could see this ball handling a hefty amount of oil going down in grit to 1000 or so.

Carl Hurd
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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