I like 2 ideas.
1. Your oiler should, in general, NOT have the pin over the bridge. Pin over the bridge could work for you, but often not in serious tournaments.
2. I kind of like the idea of a solid resin between the Xception and the Solution PPEx. My xception is exceptionally strong at the breakpoint, almost uncontrollable. I can use my Soln PPEx on a wide variety of oil patterns, from medium to light, but many people can't. Besides, another look/ball path is often a necessity; both the Solution Powerplus, the solid resin and the Slash are smoother reacting balls than either the Xception or the Solution Powerplus Ex, a fairly snappy resin pearl.
Your previous problem with the Slash may have been a combination of several different factors, the major one of which is not finding the right pattern on which it would work for you. Practicing at different times and in different centers might help you find where such a ball is proper for you to use. Also, the Solution PP might be just different enough (a slightly different coverstock on an ever so slightly, minutely weaker core) for it to work well for you.
Most of the stuff people worry about ain't never gonna happen anyway...