Touring pros, like PDW, get so many revs on the ball without trying, that is why they have to have those type drillings. Plus as you noticed last Sunday, they are using the most aggressive core and coverstock combinations, that they need the weak pin placements to get the ball down the lane before picking up. If you don't believe me, go to any shop that has the new Secret Agent and feel that cover, that is what PDW was using. For a 2000 grit abralon surface, that is the most tacky I've ever felt a ball straight from the factory. We are a VIP Storm shop and we got the Secret Agent and new T-Road Monday. Even the shell on a Domination doesn't come close the tackiness of those new shells. The touring pros can overcome the slick conditions by using ScotchBrite pads and more revs, so that is why they use weak drills on strong balls. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.