Hey guys. I don't read much of this forum anymore but I did do a search before I made this post. Seems like no one is mentioning anything about the Inertia. A Track Staffer who is a good friend of mine gave me this ball with pretty good specs. I was hesistant on drilling it, but decided, what the hell and went with my favorite assymetrical layout. That is with the pin 1.5" above the midline and 4 3/4" from my PAP with the MB in the 70 degree position.
I've tried the Inertia for a total of about 4 games(just an estimate, more like about 40-50 shots) on 3 different patterns. What I found with the Inertia is that on my THS which is a lighter volume, but has quite a bit of carrydown due to a sparatic oiling machine(you rarely get a full strip of the lanes), the Inertia spins up off of the hand and dies out on the backend. Very ugly reaction to say the least. At first I thought the ball was burning up, but there is 8 1/2" of flare that I am getting from this ball with about half of it in the oil, but hardly any continuation in the backend. I did take it to a house notorios for a flood of oil in the middle of the lane and the pattern drops off severely outside of 6. In this house I experienced the same thing. The ball flared up a ton in the oil(and came back juiced with oil rings), but did nothing off the spot. The times I did hit pocket either left a nasty flat 10 or 8, and times I got the ball into a decent angle, I left some very solid 9s that made me shake my head.
Maybe this is just too much ball for my hand, maybe not. With so few shots on it, I was wondering if anyone is noticing any type of "break-in" period with this ball where after so many games it magically comes to life and starts rolling very well? I know on alot of the activator shells for me, it took about 10-12 games for them to start rolling how they were intended to. Maybe this ball is the same way? Any advice legion?
If not, $65 shipped takes it