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Author Topic: Power buy or not to buy...that is the question....  (Read 653 times)


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Power buy or not to buy...that is the question....
« on: November 03, 2006, 12:07:07 PM »
I'm a relatively slow speed, medium rev, right handed bowler with a relatively low track, using the Mean Machine at the moment as my primary bowling ball. I'm bowling on typical house pattern oil, heavy in the middle,dryer on the outside 5 by 5, about 40 feet or so christmas tree pattern. I'm using my Meanine over the 15 from between 23 to 29, out over 10 maybe to 8, and back in, or a little straighter, over 11 and in, depending. And I'm bowling the best I've ever bowled, averaging in the low to mid 190's in two leagues. I clean my bowling ball after ever session, with Track's Clean N' Dull, about 20 minutes or less after bowling is finished. (It takes me that long to get home.) Only problem is leaving 10 pins. So....would the Power Machine give me a little different angle into the pocket? Would it carry a little better than the Mean Machine? Is it a bit more powerful a bowling ball? Would it work on medium/to heavy oil in the center of the lane initially, out into dryer and back in? IN short, is it worth the purchase?


Edited on 11/3/2006 9:00 PM

Edited on 11/3/2006 9:04 PM



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Re: Power buy or not to buy...that is the question....
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2006, 09:55:56 PM »
I would have to say the Power Machine would definitely be a sharper angle into the pocket.

I have all 3 of the Machine line with the same drilling and they are still three different reactions.  The Mean is earliest and the Power goes the longest with the hardest backend motion.  I would not call any of these balls smooth on the backend, but the Power is the strongest of the three on that part of the lane.

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