Hey cd,
I see nobody has helped you with this yet so I'll go ahead and suggest a 3x2.5-3mb with the pin about 2 inches above mid line based on your specs. This should help the ball get started a little earlier to help offset your lower track some.
I personally still like attacking carrydown by creating the necessary amount of "midlane" read which helps ensure the backend reaction vs trying to pick a ball and setting it up to be stronger on the backend only. We would be too dependent upon how much a ball can finish in 20 feet of lane vs a ball which can start to read and stand up in the mids and then be able to have a stronger finish on the backend. This last definition gives us more like 30+ feet(hypothetically) of lane for a ball to read and turn over on the back.
Outside the box drill: pin over mid with the mb very close to thumb. I've done this on a few balls for a couple of my lower track players with quite a bit of success. Having the weightblock on the other side of the ball actually pulls the track back up and raises it some which helps the ball get into a better roll. It still produces some length of course but it can roll stronger compared to some of your other equipment. Hope this helps some...
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl. - Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Inserts Staff
www.Trackbowling.comwww.startabowlingrevolution.comSee profile for Track Ball videos
*El Presidente of the Track Revolution
Edited on 5/22/2006 5:20 PM