Hey everyone. Last night I went to visit Rick (tenpinspro) at the Pro Shop last night and boy was he "beat." Actually, I couldn't believe he came in to open the shop. He looked pretty weak, but througout the day he picked up some spurts of energy with some good jokes along the way! If you haven't seen him on the boards, it's because he's been sick. Send him an X-rated get well card, that should definitely ease the pain! JK. His performance last night reminded me of the night Michael Jordan played with the FLU and still scored 50+ points hehe.
Anyways, he punched up a Heat for me and now I have something to finally go under my Slash. Now I have something for more Medium-Light to Light/Dry conditions when the Slash is too much. The ball will be left in its' OOB surface for now.
Layout is 5 1/2 x 3 3/4
I have read the reviews and hopefully expect this one to be a winner on 2nd shift and/or lighter volume oil patterns. With the Pin up over the bridge on this one, I expect even more push down lane and finishing with a pronounced arc. I will fill you in once I start throwing it!
Any of you that own this ball, I would love to hear your thoughts on this ball!
Thanks again to everyone for their advice and thanks to Rick for coming through again.
P.S. KGee15 was also in the shop getting his Delta punched up. Great guy and it was good to meet another BR member in person!
Ram - Manila Ice
Napoleon: "I like your sleeves, they're real big"
Deb: "Thank you I made them myself"
Napoleon: "How have you're glamour shots been going"
Deb: "Ok, I can do a personal sitting some time if you want me to"
Napoleon: "Okayyyyyyyy"
"Heck Yes!" Napoleon Dynamite
Edited on 10/11/2005 10:17 AM