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Author Topic: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal  (Read 7308 times)


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Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« on: March 07, 2004, 11:38:37 PM »
This is a question to those who now own either or both balls. I got my Phoenom Unleashed with the Pin/CG/MB aligned while my Animal has the pin and MB aligned but the CG is at 45 degrees to the pin and MB. Is this a defect? I am still playing with my Animal so the jury is still out but I love my Unleashed. Could it be a factory defect on the Animal? Please help. Thanks!



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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2004, 02:42:46 PM »
On high-end pieces from Track and MoRich the cg has no bearing, you're probably fine.

I have a Hercules where the pin is at my ring finger, the mb is down below and to the right of my thumb, and if I draw a line to the cg then to the pin it forms a triangle !

Don't worry, should be fine..........
Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2004, 03:13:37 PM »
Thanks to Precision and Jeffrevs. I would also appreciate it if Excaliber, chitown, tenpinspro and others who own these two balls would respond so I would know if the balls that they got have misaligned CG in relation to the Pin and MB or if am I the only one who has got a misaligned CG on an Animal? Thanks again.


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2004, 04:53:02 PM »
My Animal is drilled with pin under ring and MB about and inch below and half inch to the right of the thumb hole. The CG is about 2 inches from PAP on a 45 degree angle in relation to the pin. I got the Animal dull and I tried it in a tournament with 50 feet of oil and it revs too late for that condition. I then shined it and used it in league. Our league does not have a wall but an OB outside of 5. The shot is about 15-12 to 8-7. The ball does better here but still revs late and has a mild hook unlike the Unleashed which revs sooner and crushes the pocket. Excaliber has said that his Animal has the MB near the VAL and I am tempted to plug and re-drill but I pose the question re- the misaligned CG first to find out if this is a factory defect as my Unleashed and Freak has aligned PIN to CG to MB. Thanks!


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2004, 05:26:13 PM »

Yes, I have a weight hole on my PAP. Thanks for your quick replies.


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2004, 05:39:22 PM »
I'll see if king of the mill can chime in on this one Rock,...he'll know...he knows Mo and drills a TON of Track and MoRich stuff,..obviously out there ?
Quit muscling it at the bottom of your swing...bonehead!


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2004, 10:31:03 PM »
I have a Phenom that has the markings misaligned.  The MB is right above my VAL but the CG location is on the midline under the middle finger (slight negative static weight).  Ball rolls beautifully and I see no indications that it's a blem.  The added benefit of this was that I didn't need a weighthole.  Try spinning it on a Determinator just to double check the MB marking.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2004, 10:53:56 PM »

I agree totally with Jeff and some of the others. My Animal has the CG kicked way over near my PAP in order to get the MB on my VAL. CG has no meaning on reaction of those balls. Infact, I had a Phenom that had the Cg kicked way over like this as well because of them being offset, and I only had to remove 3/4 of an ounce of side weight from the ball. SO, do not worry about it, the ball will still work fine for you.


Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2004, 11:28:42 PM »
In response to king of the mill are the following:

1) Pin - under the ring finger about 5 inches from PAP

2) MB - about an inch below and 1/2 inch to the right of the thumb. I would say 5-5 1/2" from PAP.



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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2004, 11:44:50 PM »
My speed is 16-17 mph and rev rate is about 320. I would say spped matches revs. My Unleashed is drilled slightly different at pin at 4" to PAP and MB about 4 1/2" to PAP. Thanks for your help and all who responded.


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2004, 12:11:41 AM »
to elaborate a little more.....

regarding your original Q?.... it is not a defective ball.  track product, if caught in the assembly process, with cg's more than 1 1/2" off the line between the pin and mass bias will be pulled as a blem, but roll just as well as other product.  


I have a blem then, the CG is about 1 3/4" off the line between the pin and MB. I will talk to my pro shop and ask him to return it. Thanks again.

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2004, 12:24:01 AM »
I know king of the mill knows what he is talking about, but don't you think it would be a better idea to contact Track directly and ask them? If you call them they will answer your question immediately and if no one is there that can answer it at that time, they have someone call you back and answer the question for you. The number: 1-800-837-1106

Track has been awesome at detecting blems in their line. If that ball was a blem it would not have made it out of their wharehouse without being stamped a blem.

Once again, not that king of the mill is wrong, but usually a company knows its products best.
Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2004, 01:47:35 AM »
Hey RockB,

Sorry, just closed shop.  I honestly feel this is not a blem or defective, all Track balls are advertised to be precisely pre-spun from factory to ensure proper placement and marking of the mass bias.  I personally have an Unleashed where the pin is under the bridge, cg right about 1/4 inch(in palm) and the mass bias is all the way over in my val line already and THIS is the ball I shot 300 with.  I laid it out accordingly, from simply where the markings were and I'm getting exactly the reaction expected.  I don't believe you have anything to worry about, just make sure you drill the ball according to the markings of Pin and MB.

Based on what you stated, your ball is drilled to go somewhat long
(mb by thumb).  As Excaliber, Chapman, and myself have mentioned quite a few times.....PLS becareful with the mass bias positioning.  It is extremely important and crucial to creating the desired reaction in Track asym. cores.

I realize it looks different but it's simply another version of imbalance(maybe the weightblock shifted a little while settling, not sure).  When Fab first messed up and ended up with a pin out ball(hammer), they thought it was a blem.  Everything back then was supposed to be in the grip center, pin and cg.  They didn't even know at first what they stumbled upon and were about to create.  I'd rather see a marking off then just stamped there and not really be in the right spot because then you wouldn't get the proper reaction.  The only down turn to these balls I've come across is that I have to watch static weights as they can shift in directions that I don't want for a customer.  Hope this helps Rock but feel free to contact me directly and I'll be more then happy to help you.

Edit: I'm supposed to meet with Mark Baker tomorrow, I'll ask him too.
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Pro Shop Staff
Vise Grip Staff

Edited on 3/9/2004 3:19 AM
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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"El" Presidente of the Legion


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2004, 10:28:24 AM »
Per Excaliber's advice, I called Track this morning and spoke to a lady who said that Chuck Gardner will get back to me and true enough after about 15 minutes, I was able to talk to him. Chuck said that it is not a blem and he said he even has an Animal that is 3 inches off. He said in an ideal world the pin, CG and MB should all be aligned. I told him my other Track balls, Freak, Havoc and Phenom Unleashed all have these markings aligned. He then asked me the drill on my Phenom Unleashed (which is about 4 1/2" to my PAP) and he said it is not the same drilling (5" to PAP on my Animal). I said I was expecting the Animal to be stronger than the Unleashed and so I drilled it a little weak. He said I should believe him that it is not a blem and I should just drill a bigger weight hole. I said I have tried this before on another ball but it did not work.(Also, I hate to disagree with king of the mill but a blem is defective). By now he seems to be agitated and he is raising his voice. I asked why is he getting upset and he said because I choose to believe fricking (his words) (since I said I learned from the site that a misalignment of 1 1/2" is a blem). At this point, I asked if I can get this authorization to return the ball to my proshop and exchange and he said, "Absolutely not". I thank him and terminated the call. That was not a pleasant experience. I think that as a Track representative he should be more patient. Anyway, I am not calling Track anymore but thanks to all who helped.


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Re: Question on Misaligned Pin/CG/MB on Unleashed and Animal
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2004, 11:21:45 AM »
OK. In fairness to Track, I just got a call from Bill Monce. He was more level-headed and patient. We agreed that I will put a bigger weight hole and sand the  ball to 1500 grit and try the ball again. He said if I still get inconsistent results to call him back (he gave me his direct line number). That was pleasant. That one call brought back my confidence in Track. Will keep you posted on how all this end up.