chitown, first where do you find Reaction Plus? It's been discontinued for awhile.
In answer to your question, it is both a cleaner and it has a wee bit of polish in it. You can take a polished ball that is starting to dull and put Reaction Plus on it and it will shine up like you gave it a new polish job. I've used it for years on all of both my polished solids and Pearl balls. Before I used all of mine up, I used to put it on my Pearl balls by putting just a very-very small dab on them as needed to maintain the box finish and this kept them in NIB finsish with out ever having to repolish them.......On the polished solids, once I had the ball sanded and polished to the right grit, I did likewise on them and would never have to polish them again. I've seen several members on here mention using it similar to what I did.
Puzzling why they dropped it. Some claim the Power Wash took it's place, but the Power Wash only cleans the ball and that is it. No polish-no shine as the Reaction Plus did. As for cleaning a ball it doesn't do anymore than other high quality cleaners like the Ultimate Black Majic Rejuvinator that comes in the orange labeled bottle does.