Because of my game, I usually let the lane conditions determine what reaction shape I want. For drier/shorter patterns, I usually like a ball that goes a bit longer. For heavier/longer patterns I want a ball that starts hooking earlier. If you have a ball tht hooks alot on a drier pattern, the ball will tend to overreact. The reverse is true. If you have a ball that is drilled to go longer and you try using it on a heavier pattern, you run the rick of the ball not making the turn to the pocket unless you have alot of hand. Hope this helps. Ex or Rick could probably explain it abit better than me.
Altoona, PA
1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat
4. Dry Heat
5. Havoc
6. Rule
7. TPC Shooter XL
8. Mutant
"I believe in the strike. The spare. The Turkey. Playing the gutter. I believe that the 7-10 split is a message from God. I believe hard work is a better investmant than luck. And that 300 is a reward rather than an achievement. I believe that bowling should be an Olympic sport. AND I believe if your're going to bowl, BOWL TO WIN." -Ebonite ad. (sorry Track folks, love this quote)