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Author Topic: Replacement Equipment..  (Read 826 times)


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Replacement Equipment..
« on: December 16, 2003, 08:25:04 PM »
About 2 months ago, for whatever reason, I had 2 balls crack on me. My Freak (for the 2nd time) and my Threat both had to be returned under warranty. My original Freak was a 3" pin and the original Threat was a 1" pin. The replacements came in today and now I am left with a bit of a puzzle to figure out. The Freak came in with a 1" pin and the Threat came in with a 4" pin.
    The very first Freak that I had I drilled with the pin over the finger bridge and the mass bias about 2" to the right of the thumb. The first replacement Freak that I received was a 2" pin, so we ended up dropping the pin below the finger bridge and left the MB about 2" to the right of the thumb. Between those two drillings I think that I liked the first one more. It obviously went a bit longer and overall it was just more of what I was looking for. Now I have to deal with a 1" pin on this ball and I'm not really sure how I want to lay it out to give me the same type of look that I had with the original ball.

    As far as the Threat, my original was pretty darn close to a label drilling since the pin was only 1". This ball was basically my dryer lane ball as I had it drilled up 5x5, but with the pin as far out as it is, I'm afraid that this might end up being a little bit on the long side for me as I have a relatively low track. Not quite a spinner, but I'm pretty close to it.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how I should drill these up?