I usually don't post very much but all this Rev bashing is really pi**ing me off!!! I do not personally know Carl but what I do know is this. His ball reviews and posts (Achappy, Ex and a few others, you know who you are) have been very helpful to me and I enjoy reading them. That said, to everyone who reads this post, Rev is not the one at fault for easy scoring conditions, high performance bowling balls, high gas prices, or whatever the he** else everyone wants to blame him for. The sport of bowling has a lot of issues that need to be addressed and USBC knows this. But there are no simple solutions and they are not going to be cleared up overnight. This is our game and we all enjoy it and a lot of changes need to be made. We need to help the right people make these changes and support them in doing so ... and everyone needs to get off Rev's back. Rev, congrats on the high average and I'm waiting for your review on the Rule Delta 1 and Arsenal Reactive...