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Author Topic: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???  (Read 2705 times)

Mr Track

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revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« on: February 29, 2004, 11:17:35 PM »
Hey people...

I`ve been contemplating on getting a reactive ball that could open up the backends like no other....just something to have fun with.
I was looking at the Roto Grip silver streak pearl(i know i know..), but i`ve decided to just keep within Track.  I`ve had both the Thrash and the Revmaster.  The Thrash was a beautiful particle ball that reacts like a reactive, but I had to let it go because it didnt come off my hand properly.  And I let go of the Revmaster because the drilling on the ball was not giving me the reaction I liked after changing my style of play.

So, I was just wondering if anyone had drilled a Revmaster with a 5x4 or 5x3.5 drilling(pin above fingers, cg swung out).  I had my previous Revmaster drilled 4x3, pin beside ring finger.  I would like to know the reaction that comes off for tweeners with this drilling.  Im very discouraged from the reaction that I got from my previous one, but I am open to forgive this ball and put it in my arsenal once more

Im in a juggle between drilling up another Thrash, or another Revmaster...any suggestions will be considered.

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Edited on 3/1/2004 5:26 PM

Edited on 3/10/2004 9:16 PM


Mr Track

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2004, 08:49:28 PM »
tenpinpro? ex? Aussie? A.Chap? anyone?
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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2004, 08:38:52 AM »
I think between the two, the Revmaster will open up the backends more for a tweener because of the resin cover, lower RG and higher flare.  Your idea of 5x3.5 above the fingers is excellent because a) the pin above the fingers and the medium length pin to PAP increases length b) the 10:30/45* layout will give you a strong reaction downlane and c) the high flaring core will allow it to flare further down the lane which is needed to open up the backend.  Have you considered the CrunchTime?  Since it has a higher RG and pearl, it definately will turn the corner.  I've had a lot more success with the CT but I also have a high rev rate.

Edited on 3/2/2004 9:39 AM

Mr Track

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2004, 09:25:37 AM »

I have a crunch time that's drilled 12 o'clock stacked, and I find that this ball work great for what I drilled it for.  I currently use my Crunch Time for length + and explosive backend, works well on dry heads, carrydown, and wet/dry conditions.
Like I stated, I just want to look for a ball to have fun with.  Since my CT is drilled 12 o'clock, it wouldnt make a turn, and flare as early as a 10:30/45* drilling would.
I dont want to drill the same ball that I currently own and put a different drilling on the ball, because it might cross other balls in my bag.  Im more of a surface type of guy.  I stick with 2 that's why im considering putting the Revmaster/Thrash back in my bag...

So would the Revmaster really do what I am looking for?
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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2004, 10:42:50 AM »
Aahhh, that makes sense.  Wasn't sure if you had or had tried a CrunchTime.  Just curious, what didn't you like about the 4x3 drilling you had on the Revmaster?  Also, you stated you wanted "a reactive ball that could open up the backends like no other" and you "currently use [your]Crunch Time for length + and explosive backend".  What difference are you looking for in the Revmaster vs what you get now out of the Crunch Time?  Just a little earlier reaction on heavier and/or longer patterns but still strong downlane?

Mr Track

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2004, 12:12:40 PM »
The 4x3 drilling just didnt feel right once I altered my game from a stroker to a tweener.  The more hand I got on it, and the deeper I played, the more it hydroplaned and/or rolled out(can not remember exactly).
I find that the CT can not play the lines deep inside, unless there is a nice wall to bump.

You've stated exactly what I want in this ball.  "a earlier reaction on heavier and/or longer patterns but still strong downlane" also with the ability to play deeper in without burning up.

I was thinking of just going with a morpheous core, but I am not looking to spend that much for a ball that I just want to play, i'd rather reactive!
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Ernie McCracken

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2004, 12:22:22 PM »
This is how my Revmaster is drilled and I love it.  I usually use it on sport conditions that have long oil.  The pin is above the fingers and the cg is kicked out to the right.  I had to keep tapping a bigger and bigger hole in the side to help tame the reaction down.  Now I have it right where I need it and it's great!  Give it a try and thanks for sticking with Track!!!  Why throw anything else?
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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2004, 12:22:26 PM »
Sorry Mr. Track,

Must have missed this, I actually had my revmaster at 4x3 though but at my ball speed, I got a very early reaction in the mids and strong continuous finish.  I think A. Chapman is correct also in the reaction to this layout for a bowler which has a higher rate of speed then mine.  Everything being relative, the 5x3.5 should be somewhat equivalent to my 4x3 reaction for you or anyone else who throws harder then myself, hope this helps bud.

Rick Leong
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Ernie McCracken

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2004, 12:23:27 PM »
Rick's up already?  lol
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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2004, 12:37:05 PM »
Then I think the Revmaster will fit what you are looking for with the weaker drilling.  Mine too had a tendency to burn up like you described because of the low RG core and massive flare.  I had to drill mine much weaker than equivalent balls (i.e 5 3/4 instead of say 5 for a CrunchTime).  Once I found that sweat spot, it reacted very nicely.  Had no problem turning the corner as long as there was sufficient head oil.  I would say if you want to emphasise length, just tweak it slightly and go 5.5x3.5.

Mr Track

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2004, 01:34:35 PM »
With the 4x3, I was experiencing the burn out on deeper lines, but wouldn't a 5x3.5 drilling keep the ball rolling and make a hard turn back with the amount of hand/speed I have?!  Is a "weaker" drilling what would really suit my game? I would think that it would be great for crankers or high rev rate players, but me being a med-high rev rate player, wouldn't it just skid further than needed?

Rick, I do believe a 5x3.5 drilling would compensate for your 4x3 because I am a touch faster in ball speed than you are...I think...but when I had mine drilled at 4x3, I experienced the same early reaction when I was a stroker.  But would this really be my down and in ball that im looking for?

Ernie, Thanks for the input! I would like to thank YOU for sticking with Track
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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2004, 01:48:51 PM »
Mr. Track,

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you  I agree with a 5x3.5 drilling [will] keep the ball rolling and make a hard turn back with the amount of hand/speed [you] have .  I was just adding that if you wanted to emphasise slightly more length vs the early roll, then just weaken the pin slightly.  In this area, I tend to favor length even for tweeners because of the lower volume and length of oil.  Our long patterns still tend to burn up very quickly through the fronts.

Mr Track

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2004, 09:13:05 PM »
For the most part, the heads go last(after the move left) in most of the houses I play in, so a weaker pin wouldnt relly be an issue.
I will make my final decision before calling in a Revmaster to play with.

Thanks Anthony!

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C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2004, 02:02:23 PM »
Mr Track,

I have not thrown the Revmaster. I have seen a few thrown around here, and it seems like most of the guys scoring with them are using them on sport conditions that have short oil----or extreme wet---dry, playing the dry ofcourse.

With the dynamics of this ball I agree with the 5x3.5. If it ends up rolling a little too soon for you, a splash of delayed reaction should help.

NOW, with that said, the Thrash was an amazing ball for me. I consider myself a tweener, high speed-----with a rev rate of only around 320, 350 on the high end. The I had my Thrash drilled with a 4 inch pin, and it was a pretty smooth reaction throughout the lane, but when it hit dry, I turned sharply. SO the same drill 5x3.5 should work well with that ball as well. The Thrash was probably (along with the Crunch) one of the most underappreactiated balls of the year last year.

You can pick up either of these pretty cheap now, so flip a coin and run with it. I am considering drilling a Revmaster for myself this summer, that way during the summer league I am not beating my other stuff to death.
Carl Hurd

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Mr Track

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Re: revmaster...back in my bag? REVISED...havoc???
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2004, 04:46:21 PM »

When I had my Thrash drilled 4.5x3.5(pin 1.5" above and to the right of the ring), it turned WAY too hard in the dry.  I remember in one house I used it in, I was standing on the 45th board(over the left gutter) and tossing it out to 12.  By the 3rd game, the ball wanted to hit the 7 pin.  I was thinking that the big turn was because of the particle cover.  So that's why I am gearing towards a reactive ball.

I agree with your statement on the Thrash and the Crunch being underappreciated, I would personally like to add the revmaster in that list as well(it worked well for me as a less agressive stroker).

I was thinking of using the revmaster through the summer as well...

Thanks for your input Ex....
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