Just finished cleaning my er...bowling balls.....and.....ran into dry lanes tonight. In the first game I tried using my Machine with an inside shot and...it didn't work in part because it was breaking too much, and in part because I couldn't hit the side of a barn! Had a wonderful 150. Great. :-(
Decided to try my Desert Heat in the second game....didn't really think it would work because there was some oil out there and I have that ball drilled very beignly. Besides, other players were using The One or an Inferno or a Horizon with a down and in shot. But...what the heck... try a down and in shot...with the Desert Heat....and....I had a 199 with an open in the tenth (because my Columbia Blue Dot managed to break three boards...how I don't know but it did), and a 221 in the third. Not only that, but I learned that ball hits like a Track. Talk about pins flying this way and that. (And I throw a relatively slow to medium-slow ball too!)
Conclusion....trust in thy Desert Heat. Trust in the engineers at Track. Trust in Del. Long live the Revolution!
Chuck :-)