The volume is really heavy, 50 mL is about as high as they will run. The issue is that the pattern is relatively flat, the pattern is only 40 feet, and the backends are fresh. People confuse volume with length. You don't need a ball that rolls at your toes unless you are rev challenged.
As far as how the pattern plays and the time of year, I think this plays a big role here. The tournament started and it was 40 degrees outside there. Now is in 90+. The way the heating and cooling works in a big convention center like that can have a huge effect on how the pattern plays. I know that on every left lane we bowled on, you could feel the cooling system blowing air on you halfway up the approach. All of our left approaches were slippery and we weren't the only ones having this problem. With it being so dry out there and then blowing cold dry air on it, it got really slick. In the winter with the heat blowing, you have a little more humidity in there which also changes how they break down and carry down. Just what I got from talking to people and witnessing it. Jerry in the Track booth did seem to mention that the scores had gotten a little better since the weather warmed up but that is also when you big names and teams show up.
Louis Franzetti
Track Regional Staff Member