Thanks all for your kind words they brought an immediate GRIN to my face.
Glad ya all enjoyed it. It shows that my work payed off takes quite a bit of time to sync them up and if it gets 1 more person using Track then it is worth every minute/hour. Which in this case was about 4 hours of crop/pan, trim, sync, etc.
Think Track will give me a job?
I am going to do a couple more on different shots with these and others, will probably be on the USBC Nationals and PBA B/Shark/43' patterns.
Trying to hit different break points while keeping feet in the same place definitely doesn't hurt my practice regimen either and gives me a better idea of where my ball crosses the arrows for a given break point. I very rarely target the arrows and much prefer to target the beak point. I feel I am more consistent when doing this.
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