Well, I have narrowed it down to 2 choices. I am carrying just 3 GP2s (have more, but don't take them all to tourneys) a Hexplosion, and I will be getting the spare ball if/when it comes out...so I need 1 ball to fill my 6 ball arsenal when I go away:
I need more backend than any of my current 3 GP2s for tourneys......
Robo Rule-
Good- Particle...I love particle based covers....ball is smoother throughout the lane and is more predictable to me.
Bad- Same cover (although lighter load) and the lower rg, combined with the lower grit surface (800) and Ex's review that overall it hooks more than the GP2.
Delta 1
Good- It gives me something I don't have-a reactive in the bag, and more separation between the GP2s and the next ball.
Bad- I really dislike reactives in general....just not my cup of tea. Add to that a big backend that I usually don't see...could be more of the same-reactive in the bag!
I am buying VERY soon...maybe in the next day or so, and your votes will help me decide. Either way, I am probably going to drill it 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 mass bias strong.......
Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460