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Author Topic: Arsenal Reactive......  (Read 644 times)

Monster Stitch

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Arsenal Reactive......
« on: November 30, 2005, 05:23:25 AM »
Yo Track Nation...

I was wondering if you guys can give me some suggestions.

My dad has an Absolute Inferno which he like a lot.
I have it pin under the ring withthe cg kicked out and an
x-hole 6 inches from the center of his grip. Pin to PAP to CG
is 5 x 4.

I just order him an Arsenal Reactive. Since Rick and everyone says
it hooks 3 to 5 boards more, i was wondering should i go with the same
layout or would a 4.5 by 3.5 work with the pin next to ring with the cg kicked out and an x-hole 6 to 6.5 inches over. This layout is usually something has has a sharp backend in back.

I know the Reactive is suppose to arc hard and it does from watching my
friend throw his.

Give me your opinion guys: Excalibur, Clintdailey, Ram, Tenpinpro, Revolutions, etc...



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Re: Arsenal Reactive......
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2005, 01:26:34 PM »
Is there any condition you want the ball for? If you want it for more than the can drill it the same and the Reactive will be stronger....or even a 4x4 would be very strong as well.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Inside Hunt Club Lanes
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: Arsenal Reactive......
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2005, 03:43:07 PM »
LOL!!! The big difference between the AI and the AR is the hit! After you use the AR you will swear the Absolute hits like a wet turd in comparision!
Nothing hits like a Hammer!!

Yea.....nothing hits that bad!!!