When you throw the Animal on the fresh shot, I would assume you have a fair amount of area down lane correct? For me, the Unleashed is a good carrydown ball after the Animal but imagine having the same amount of room(or more) in carrydown as you did with the Animal in fresh. That's about the best I can describe the Rule presently, being resin, it really sniffs out any dry boards and reacts off of it. As Mr. Munson saw me throw this on the current condition, it really opened up the backends without having to physically try and rev it up which is what I normally have to do to create that area down lane in the heavier carrydown. I actually think it will vary from bowler to bowler based on the thickness of oil that each of see at our houses. My house is using a 65+ density and when that pushes down the lane, some of my particle balls can't give me the same area as I had compared to when it is fresh/clean.
I personally do not feel this ball would be a waste in any sense. It is by far one of the stronger balls that can over power the lane conditions without forcing the bowler to do so.
On a side note, poor Mr Munson came all the way from Greece to see America. As of late, all he's seen is the inside of my shop(we left last nite at 1 am)..
We've had 2 1/2 days of classroom education (which I hope he can remember) and we just started to use some of that instruction yesterday. We plan to have another on-lane vid class as well, good news though, he can now help most in layouts and even explain your mass bias placements to you, right Roy?
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Amateur/Pro Shop Staff
Vise Grip Staff