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Author Topic: Rule Mini Review  (Read 853 times)


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Rule Mini Review
« on: September 29, 2004, 01:59:08 PM »
Although most faithful Track users have one by now, I will still give my input based off a few weeks of use. I feel after using everything that was sent to me enough I can compare and contrast between the balls. My stats are 17-18 MPH, very high track (1/8 of an inch from the fingers, 1/16 or less from the thumb). I lay out all my bowling balls exactly the same. The only difference is tops, covers, etc. All balls have the pin just below my ring finger, cg in the palm, mass bias either left of my thumb or under my thumb. Rule #1 (cover out of box) is very strong for me. Mass bias ended up under my thumb. I am able to play from a variety of spots and this ball always seems to turn the corner and try to carry when other balls would have backd off. If I would not have hit an Animal with a grey scotch brite, this would be earliest moving ball I have. Ball gives plenty of pop on the backend. Obviously, once the heads start to fry, put this one away. Rule #2 I polished the surface out of the box, mass bias ended up under my thumb as well. This is a very good compliment to Rule #1. When I have to put the first Rule away from the heads drying and the ball wanting to start to early, I can pull this ball out and continue right where I was. Even polished, the ball is still VERY strong and wants to turn the corner.
This would make for an awesome 2 ball aresenal for ANY league bowler.

As ALWAYS, if anyone has any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to write. I will get back to you when time allows.

Have a great day!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460