Hey SS,
Good to see ya back, haven't seen you for awhile. Based on your info, I'd suggest a 4.5x4.50 mb from pap. Keep the pin above fingers if possible so that we can create more length and also keep your mb away from your val so we don't let the ball get started too early. I'd also recommend keeping this ball at higher positive statics (side and finger) so that will also help you promote more length, this can always be drilled out if desired. Assuming that we can create the length on this ball, it should give you a very strong finish. It is much stronger than the Freakout in comparison. Even though you mention your mb on your Freakout is in the strong position, what is the pap distance to mb? It can make a difference as to why the Freakout is getting started that early plus the negative side affects that as well.
FYI, my Rule is at 4.25x4 mb (with a pap of 5 and 3/4 up) gives me what you see in the video. Oh, pin is also at 3 inches above midline. Since you have less tilt than I do, I want to push the pin and mb distance just a little further back to offset some of your higher roll reaction. Hope this helps some...
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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