It is very difficult to try to help someone without being there and watching the bowler on the condition they are having trouble with. From the sounds of it I think you may need to slow your speed down a little bit. If you do this you will be able to miss that little bit left and still have the ball drive through the pocket. Another thing I think you should try is maybe targeting 2-3 boards to the right of the 10 board marker down the lane, this way if you tug it you will not be tugging it into the heavy stuff.
If I were you I would take this as a challenge. The condition you are bowling on is not well suited to your game, so you need to develope a "B" game that will allow you to play on that type of shot. Practice trying different things and maybe even different lines. Ofcourse this is going to take you out of your comfort area, but a bowler has to do what will help them score the best.
C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio
Track Intl.-Amateur/Pro Shop Staff