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Author Topic: Sanded My GP2 to 1000  (Read 640 times)


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Sanded My GP2 to 1000
« on: March 03, 2005, 03:12:54 PM »
They said they smoothed it out to 1000 grit so i went a bowled with it... Was working pretty well i was just having a tough time with the shot i have been bowling on lately... Its like they oil alot from 1 to 5 then from 5 to 10 they oil a little then oil it from 10 on.... So i'm not really sure how to play it... if i stand on 16 and throw it down over the 10 board the really dark one at the end of the land it moves in smooth and smashes the whole if i miss a board or two left it usually hits in the pocket or a little high and carries... but if i miss a little left it hits that oil and will occasionly recover light but mostly misses the headpin... I'm just really lost on this shot cause i'm used to swinging the ball out alot and i have been told to try and shoot straighter being more square on the line...  I just feel even today playing straighter i have not alot of room to miss... Thanks for the help


C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: Sanded My GP2 to 1000
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2005, 05:54:15 AM »

It is very difficult to try to help someone without being there and watching the bowler on the condition they are having trouble with. From the sounds of it I think you may need to slow your speed down a little bit. If you do this you will be able to miss that little bit left and still have the ball drive through the pocket. Another thing I think you should try is maybe targeting 2-3 boards to the right of the 10 board marker down the lane, this way if you tug it you will not be tugging it into the heavy stuff.

If I were you I would take this as a challenge. The condition you are bowling on is not well suited to your game, so you need to develope a "B" game that will allow you to play on that type of shot. Practice trying different things and maybe even different lines. Ofcourse this is going to take you out of your comfort area, but a bowler has to do what will help them score the best.

C-G Pro Shop (owner/operator)
Youngstown Ohio

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Carl Hurd

Austintown Ohio (Wedgewood Lanes)

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Re: Sanded My GP2 to 1000
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2005, 07:53:01 AM »
if i miss a board or two left it usually hits in the pocket or a little high and carries.

but if i miss a little left it hits that oil and will occasionly recover light but mostly misses the headpin.

Hey frock,

I'm assuming your second comment was missing "right" based on your description of the shot.  The main key here to me is to try and stay away from the right area (1-5 board) since there is a little hang or OB.  

I'd actually suggest moving left 2-3 boards and move your target into 11-12 so you're leaning on the tug line.  This way, if you miss left, you'll still be in the oil and that should hold your shot directly to the pocket and if you miss 1-3 right, you'll still be in the drier area (5-10) and the ball should recover without a problem.  This is how we can open up the shot a little better and not feel as cramped in regards to the angle we're playing.

From my years of coaching and studying, a high majority of bowlers will still tug the ball before they send it right.  This is a starting to change a little with our younger bowlers who tend to crank it up and throw right but the majority of bowlers still fit into the "tweener" range, whether considered strong, mid or weak.  Learning to truly lean up against an oil line is a big key in maximizing our area on a lane which will then lead us to higher scores.  Hope this helps some...
Rick Leong
Ten Pins Pro Shop
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