Is he ugly? I guess you could say so. Just your opinion.
Does he throw it straight? Compared to most, yes.
Is he a great bowler? Compared to me, yes.
What does any of this have to do with Track being a high quality product? Absolutely nothing.
What does his appearance, physical game or talent got to do with anything?
Absolutely nothing
The proof is in the pudding, so to speak. He has made the show several times and has chosen to use Track equipment. Seems every year, someone on tour gets hot, and this year it seems to be Mr. Scroggins.
His bad luck on the show has just about the same to do with any of the above mentioned things. It's not the equipment, talent, or "looks" that are doing him in. Just not in the cards for him to win. When it is, he will win.
Top pro's are ALL good. And good at what they do. He chooses to play a straighter shot than most, but if he was winning, people would think him a genius and be emulating him as close as possible.
P.S. I seem to remember another lefty who threw it pretty straight to. Let's see, what was the name? Oh yeah, Anthony. Earl Anthony. Yep, that was it.
Why be difficult when, with just a bit more effort, you can be IMPOSSIBLE!