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Author Topic: Is Scroggins on Staff?  (Read 1847 times)


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Is Scroggins on Staff?
« on: February 12, 2006, 04:37:49 AM »
According to brunswick insiders Mike nor Walter are on track staff. They say both of them are free agents
Did they run the oil machine?  Was there any oil in it.....



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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2006, 12:39:01 PM »
No, scroggins isn't on staff.  There are quite a few pros who aren't, such as WRW, Devaney, Machuga, etc.
- Andy


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2006, 01:26:53 PM »
<JOKE>With the way his been throwing their products on National TV, do you really think Track WANTS him on their staff?</JOKE>
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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2006, 07:34:28 PM »
I think the point maybe he's been on TV twice in a row and has already won a title this year.  He is the rankings points leader, why wouldn't we want him on TV is more the question....

How many TV shows have you made Turkey?
Track International Staff
'Turn up the heat'

I'm sorry you don't understand HTML...<JOKE></JOKE>...

But you do have to admit, he has made Track equipment look bad, on nationally (worldwide) televised tournaments, where a MASS MAJORITY of the bowling public is watching.  Most don't realize, or care, how good he bowled during the week when they didn't see him.  All they see is him stinking it up week after week on TELEVISION while using Track equipment.  Seeing is believing and what people are seeing is a bad reflection on Track...just my $.02...
That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger, that which doesn't make you stronger is a waste of time!

Edited on 2/12/2006 8:25 PM


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2006, 09:33:01 PM »

I suspect he simply uses track, because they make balls that work well for 2 rev bowlers down the left side...

hey, whatever works, if hammer or brunswick got the job done thats what you would see him throwing. but the fact that you DO see him throw on tv week in and week out should say that plenty loud enough. and i dont see why everyone is dogging his game, sure it dosent look that impressive but it sure cashes the checks every week, oh no, listen to me, im defending scroggins, whats the world coming to! but seriously it cant just be his side because you would see parker+couch every week to, so that leads me to beleve that he is amazing, or atleast for now, he might fall down soon or he might not. we will just have to see.


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2006, 09:51:07 PM »
oh, sorry about the misunderstanding then, it just sounded like the whole "weak handed, easy side" rant again, i guess i just heard it one to many times. its gettin pretty old


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2006, 10:31:14 PM »
I know it doesn't sell balls unless bowlers (like many of us) are very watchful. I don't think most of the bowlers could tell the difference between what balls people are throwing (and unless the colors are distinctive, i really have trouble telling balls apart as well). The ball someone in league recently shot 300 with sells much more than whatevers on t.v...


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2006, 11:02:35 PM »
anyone interested in a ball they see on tv can easily go to and go to in the bag, and buddiesproshop has had some headlines to the same effect lately


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2006, 10:25:03 AM »
The ball someone in league recently shot 300 with sells much more than whatevers on t.v...

That helps validate MY argument.  

Why does that "300 ball" sell more?  Because people were WATCHING and SAW someone shoot a great score with it.  

Don't you think just the opposite is going to happen?  If they see someone, especially a Pro on TV, not breaking 200 with a company's "latest and greatest" ball, do you not think that is going to have any influence on that persons opinion of the ball?  Heck yes it will!  They will think "well if so and so can't break 200 with that ball and he's a Pro, no way I'll break 200 with that ball."  

What people see with their own eyes very much influences their buying decisions, whether its on TV or in person.  Why do you think SO MANY people on these message boards ASK FOR VIDEOS of the latest and greatest ball?  So they can see it in action!  Of course, 99.9% of the videos posted here are edited and show nothing but strikes which makes EVERY BALL look great.  Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on which side of the fence you are on, LIVE television can not be edited and the viewer sees exactly how a ball reacts over several shots or games.  

If a ball looks good on TV, sales will go up.  Think about the last couple of years, Danny Wiseman won using the Morich Ravage...that was one of the hottest balls on the market shortly thereafter.  And how about the Absolute Inferno last year?  Seemed like everyone that rolled it on TV won...once again, sells were phenominal.  I know several folks that bought them because of how they looked on the TV show.  

The proof is there, what people see on the show does have a direct impact on how well a ball sells.
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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2006, 10:41:35 AM »
If it didn't have an impact on sales why would Track pay to have their equipment used? Most people who watch bowling on tv are more than just causal bowlers.

Big-G Bowler

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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2006, 12:55:18 PM »
I was at the show this week and I talked to an Ebonite representitive and he said that he was independent and was lookin to sign with someone like Track. also I friend of mine who is a PBA member wanted to talk to me ( after watching Walter Ray and Scroggins roll their TRACK equipment) about switchin over to some TRACK equipment.
Started with Track...Switched to what everyone else was suggesting ...learnt my lesson...will forever be a Track Bowler!!! Member of THE REVOLUTION!!!


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Re: Is Scroggins on Staff?
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2006, 08:18:54 PM »
Children, please your getting off subject and your bickering is pointless. I would actually probably give most of the blame to the ball rep for the show. It is a known fact that the show tends to start off much tigher but transition much harder due to the excessive tmeperature flucuation. I really though that Scrog had very little power left at the pins and everything we saw was pretty dull. Also stated was that the heads had pretty much went and the down lane was tight so using a duller ball on heads which were starting to fry would only further weaken the pocket hit. Granted only conjecture on my part but a few shots that he struck on he had increased his tilt and axis rotation which tends to save a bit of energy for down lane.