Well, I threw another 600 series with my new Track setup for leagues, a Mean and a Power. I got the Power recently, and so early on was making the mistake of using it even though I shouldn't. I've had SO MUCH success with the Mean on my heavier THS, I should be using it from the start. I shot an ok 192 that first game, as I had carry issues with the Power, but I was cleaning up my spares. I also struck out in the 10th when I finally got wise and switched to the Mean. The second game I threw my high game for the year, a 242 with the Meanie for the first 7 frames and an off the sheet finish with the power. I also won the doubles pot for 175 bucks! The third game stunk, I was sticking with the Power again when I shouldn't have been.
Anyhow, I'm not sure the Power is filling the niche I hoped it would. Like some have suggested, it really is just as powerful as the Meanie, it just goes about it in a different way, all in the backend. The Meanie has been great for me because it has a nice, heavy roll and makes a controlled turn to the pocket. Unless I get it out to the dry early, the ball just does not snap. I love how well I'm able to control it. The Power is a great ball, but I don't know if I like that type of reaction. It just feels "touchy" to me. Is there anything that has the same controlled, heavy backend I'm seeing on the Mean but usable when the lanes start to break down?
Oh, and is it too late to join the Legion?
Mr. Lebowski, this is Bill Salnicker with the Southern Cal Bowling League, and I just got a, an informal report, that a member of your team, uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a firearm during league play. If this is true of course, it contravenes a number of the league's by-laws, and article 27 of the league...The Rev Zone (blog) http://ryanfinley.bowlspace.com/blog/