Well, last night it was down right cold in the bowling alley, probably in the 50's. I started like I do everynight with my fired up, which I have had pretty good luck with until now. The damn thing wouldn't finsish for crap. I decided I needed something stronger. I pulled my freak out, because that is the only heavy oil ball I own. I have not really seen enough oil for it probably in 9 months or so. This ball is about 3 years old. I pulled it out for the 2nd game, because I only shot a buck eighty or so the first. The ball just read the lane so well and just rolled through the deck. I finished the night with a 23? and a 24? for about a 660. I would have to say that the freak is was one of the best made balls around. No cracking and no loss of performance after 3 years, and I have had probably only one resurface done on that ball.
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