Yeah, let me brag a little bit...
Shot a sanctioned 300 tonight in my Thursday Night Doubles League. We bowl a 4 games (first 2 games against one team, then we change lanes and bowl the second 2 games against another team).
1.) 236
2.) 236
3.) 268
4.) 300
Used the THRASH all 4 games with 1-2 board adjustments here and there.
A while back, I got on here hyping this ball up! I knew this THRASH was a keeper from the first game I threw it! This ball and the Track SPELL are the only balls that I've had success with from Track for some reason (well, and a friend's CRUNCH TIME - it's a goodie too!).
The Track THRASH is AMAZING! This ball has got a major backend snap/drive... and this is coming from a guy who couldn't get 2 different PHENOM's (drilled 2 different ways) and 1 SUPER FREAK to hook at all! And I don't think they were burning energy too early because I even tried them polished and they went even more straighter! Bad bowler to ball match I guess?
That's okay! I've since moved onto other balls with more success! And the now the Track ANIMAL is catching my attention. But I have to admit that I'm scared to try it for fear that I may hate it and lose a bunch of money on a new ball.
Ps... I was using a fresh coat of Doc's ELIXER on the ball also!
Praise the Lord!!! God is great!!!