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Author Topic: So if I get a GP2...  (Read 971 times)


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So if I get a GP2...
« on: May 10, 2005, 06:43:46 AM »
Will it help me learn to play a deep inside line?  I've been bowling with a Sling Blade most of the time and it works fine for down and in, but if the shot calls for something deep inside I can't play it.  At least the best I can do is move left and throw it straight into the pocket.  I'm trying to decide between the GP2 and a Big Deal and I am now leaning towards the GP2.  Can it help me in this regard, and can I still use it down and in?  Thanks!



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Re: So if I get a GP2...
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 02:52:12 PM »
Honestly, only lots of work will let you play ANY line. You have to be willing to leave behind what you are doing for something you may not have even tried to do before. You can really play inside with any ball, just a matter of hitting the same mark everytime. Yes, you need the right ball in your hand to be successful from any line, especially inside, but at the start, I would practice moving inside a picking something to hit. The more comfortable you get playing inside, the easier it will be when you pick up the right ball for you to tht with. However, even with that said, don't try to force a ball when the shot isn't there. I still can play down and in with a GP2 I have, in fact, it is the 2nd one I drilled and shot 813 the first night in league with. Just because you are getting a hook in the box doesn't mean you move inside. Find a line with your Sling, then, after hitting the pocket consistantly, pick up the GP2. Adjust from there, it may be 5 boards, it may be 7, and so on. Keep moving until you hit the pocket consistantly. REMEMBER: The GP2, like any hook monster, needs oil to work. A broken down shot with little head oil will make the ball burn and lose its energy very early, making it look like it doesn't move much on the backend and will hit like a pumpkin.

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460


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Re: So if I get a GP2...
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2005, 02:59:38 PM »
They tend to put out a lot of oil at my home house, so I'm looking for something I can use more consistently.  I do understand that it will take work to learn the deep inside shot, but I am dedicated.  I bowl a few times a week and I've been taking lessons, and I intend to ask my coach about this the next time I see him.  


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Re: So if I get a GP2...
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2005, 03:03:56 PM »
That is the attitude you will need in order to learn to play inside. Sounds like if the house puts out as much oil as you say, you should be fine with the GP2!

Clint Daley-Owner
Lets Go Bowling Daley
Salem, Ohio 44460

C-G ProShop-Carl

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Re: So if I get a GP2...
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2005, 10:31:06 PM »

The GP2 will hook alot in oil....but it is not necessarily a ball that you stand left and throw right with. It has a ton of backend for a strong, dull particle ball. The one thing it will definately do is hook in oil. With some polish it will have more backend and probably recover in the backends the way you want, but the polish will really take away what you want the ball for.

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Re: So if I get a GP2...
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2005, 02:22:52 PM »
Hey splendor,

One question, in wanting to play your deep inside line, do you want to play a tight line to the pocket or stand deep and open the shot up (have it still swing back) to the pocket?

If your center oil is pretty heavy, you can take the GP2 and open up the shot with it and bounce it off the dry boards (if there are some) to the right downlane.  You can also stay in the oil with it as it will read that very well also (surface adjustment may be needed).

The important thing here is that the 2 shots will require different drillings, earlier roll to play all the oil and mass bias in more of just a strong placement for more length and finish.  

I think the GP2 would help bowlers learn to play inside because of it's overall strength.  Imagine you have a ball that cannot recover from deep inside, well, that will push you back to the right, correct?  You are no longer inside based on that.  With that being said, the GP2 is the strongest ball on the market to date and "I feel" it can give bowlers the confidence to stand deeper and have it still react and recover.  Answer to your first question...yes.

Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
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