its funny ,this game called bowling.somepeople can walk in and everything they do works,and some peole like myself,everything i do is work. I practiced after league last night shooting everything i had,moving changing hand positions slowing down speeding up and i never could find a line with any ball.
I had bowled seven games after league and i was no closer to figuring out why i had just bowled 522,when just 2 days before in this same bowling alley i couldnt miss and i was trying because i was in there to shoot at spares. Was it too dry too wet what was i doing so wrong.
Thats when i said ok i give i have had enough picked up the ppex and thru a split . My last game i dont care what i bowl,i said to myself. Next shot left the 4 7 and missed it,now I am really fed up.
Now is where you revert back to something you did a month or so ago. I moved up on the approach, stood left foot on 20 went with my palm under the ball pinky tucked and thru the next 6 strikes. Ball rolled thru the oil and made a predictable and definite left turn to the pocket. Straight up the lane let the ball work ,even in oil,and this ball hits hard and carries great,but I will never have 10 games to figure it out . I will go into league sunday and it will be the exact same shot and what i figured out last night wont work sunday. I will be back to square one . I dont know how you all do it . I am beyond frustrated. I do know this ,I am going to stop trying to hook the balls and start trying to roll them ,after all they are round and thats what they are supposed to do, ppex is a great ball ,but they all are when you trhow em right.
my style, the art of bowling without bowling